Anna Rozhkova
"Indomethacin": what kind of pain the medicine will help get rid of
Instructions for use "Indomethacin": composition and principle of action, indications for use. Use of tablets, suppositories and ointments. Side effect, complications of administration. Drug interaction.
The drug "Xenical" for weight loss: how to use, side effects, analogues
Instructions for use "Xenical" for weight loss. How does the drug work, and how safe is it. At what body mass index is it recommended. How to avoid side effects. Analogs
Turboslim: product line review and risk assessment of “turbo-weight loss”
"Turboslim" for weight loss: a review of the product line. Description of cleansers, weight loss activators, weight control products, cosmetics. The composition and effect of the products. "Underwater" stones of "turbo-weight loss".
Blood purification at home: when it is needed and how to conduct it
How to clean blood at home from foreign and / or dangerous compounds, a review of medical and folk methods. The results of the procedure, its effect on well-being, appearance, course of certain diseases.
Basma for hair: how not to get the color of a sea wave and why it should be used in tandem with henna
The benefits and harms of basma for hair, cooking recipes. We choose the proportions, prepare a mixture of basma and henna, apply and wash off correctly. Paint gray hair. Application features for light and dark curls.
Vitamin biotin for hair: what products are contained in, and how to benefit from pharmacy preparations
Biotin for hair in tablets and ampoules: properties, indications and contraindications for use. What results to expect. Homemade mask and shampoo recipes. Massage, spraying, prevention of split ends.
Vitamins against hair loss in women: the right products, preparations and mask recipes
Vitamins for hair loss: for internal and external use. What are needed and how do they work. Grocery list. Rating of pharmacy complexes. Tips for choosing professional cosmetics and recipes for home masks.
How to use darsonval for hair on your own: does it make sense to buy a miracle comb and reviews of effectiveness
Instructions for use darsonval for hair: how to use current to treat strands. Benefits for hair loss, dandruff and growth. The rules for choosing a miracle comb and its cost. To whom the device is contraindicated. Reviews
Ways to use tar soap for lice and nits, reviews on the effectiveness
Tar soap for lice: the pros and cons of funds, compositional features. Who is contraindicated, and the rules of a safe procedure. Two ways to use. How to enhance the effect and accelerate the result. Reviews
Symptoms of cervical erosion and rational approaches to its treatment
Treatment of cervical erosion and what pathologies are hidden under its "mask". Who is more often detected and how it manifests. What is dangerous. When to treat - before or after pregnancy. Conservative therapy. Cauterization and conization.
Asparkam tablets with potassium and magnesium deficiency: dosages and dosage regimens
Instructions for use "Asparkam", indications and contraindications. When a drug is needed. How to take, dosage.What can be the side effects. How to replace "Asparkam".
Montignac diet menus and recipes for the week: dream program “Eat and Lose Weight”
Montignac Diet: glycemic index of foods and the basic principles of diet. Advantages and disadvantages. Contraindications Table of allowed products, weekly menu. Consolidation of the result. The opinion of nutritionists.
"Acyclovir" against herpes: instructions, dosage regimens and dosage
Instructions for the use of "Acyclovir", schemes and dosages for herpetic infection. How to take pills, ointment, injections. What can be side effects. How to replace the medicine.
The drug "Glucophage": instructions for use and how safe for weight loss
Instructions for use "Glucophage": the composition and effect of the drug, "pitfalls" of therapy. Dosage for weight loss. Directions to losing weight. Side effects and contraindications.
Model diet reviews nutrition
Model diet: five principles of a slimming diet, examples of the menu. Allowed Products. Diets of French, Korean models, "angels" Victoria Secret. The correct exit from the program, its pros and cons.