Anna Rozhkova
Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, its causes and consequences, how to distinguish from endometritis
Symptoms and treatment of endometritis and endometrial hyperplasia. Causes of endometrial diseases, their classification, differential diagnosis. The principles of therapy. The role of folk remedies.
"Tranexam": instructions for use against bleeding, indications and contraindications + reviews
Instructions for use "Tranexam": composition and principle of action of the drug, indications in gynecology. Schemes for stopping bleeding. Contraindications and side effects. Analogs and drug interactions.
"Metformin" for weight loss: what are the risks, and how effective is the drug in comparison with a regular diet
Instructions for the use of "Metformin" for weight loss, and for all whether this approach to weight correction is safe. Direct indications for the prescription of the drug. Comparison of the results of losing weight on a regular diet and with the help of Metformin.
Longidaza suppositories and drug injections: are they effective in the treatment of adhesions
Instructions for use "Longidaza": composition and principle of action of the drug, benefits. When used and schemes in injections and candles. Who should not use this treatment. Complications of the reception. Special instructions. Analogs
Treatment of endometriosis in women: why the disease is dangerous, and is it possible to get rid of it
Symptoms and treatment of endometriosis in women: what kind of ailment, and who is predisposed to it. Classification by stages. How to detect. Therapy with pills, injections, implants, operations. Complications of the disease. Prevention
Treatment of mastitis in a nursing mother: how to avoid surgery
Symptoms and treatment of mastitis in a nursing mother, its causes and classification. What to do if you suspect mastitis: general recommendations, medication and alternative treatment. What operations are performed with mastitis. Prevention
Treatment of bartholinitis in women: how to avoid surgery and forget about the disease forever
Symptoms and treatment of bartholinitis in women: a brief anatomy and causes of pathology. How is bartholinitis manifested. What to do if it arose during pregnancy. Surgical and conservative treatment. Prevention
Treatment of Bartholin's cyst: an operation after which you can forget about the problem
Bartholin's cyst: what is it and who arises. Symptoms and diagnosis. What to do with a cyst during pregnancy. Surgical treatment options. When conservative therapy will help: medicines and alternative methods.
Diet for candidiasis in women: why chocolate is not possible, and what is the power of lingonberry
Diet for thrush in women: what is and what is not. Proper nutrition and intestinal microflora - what is the connection. The role of dairy products, and why cakes are unacceptable. Sample menu for the day.
Diet after appendicitis removal by day, why and how much you need to adhere to restrictions
Diet after appendicitis removal: an example of a daily diet. What you can eat in the early postoperative period, the rules for expanding the menu and how to eat after the hospital at home. How much time to adhere to restrictions.
The use of sea and salt for hair: how to rub, with what to mix and when to wait for the transformation
Sea salt from hair loss and hair growth: is it possible to replace it with table salt, what effect should be expected. Seven rules of application. Recipes for scrubs and masks. Reviews of girls who have tried salt therapy.
How to get rid of gray hair: we treat, prevent and mask
Why hair on the head turns gray: causes, types and types of gray hair. What drugs and procedures are recommended by trichologists. Vitamins and minerals to prevent problems. Recipes for homemade lotions and masks. Masking with staining.
Bay leaf from hair loss, as well as a way to return the graying strands to their native color
Bay leaf for hair: composition and medicinal properties. To whom it is possible and to whom it is impossible. We treat alopecia, get rid of dandruff and gray hair with decoctions and infusions. How to defeat lice. Recipes for masks with butter and ether "Lavrushka".
Mask from a bow for hair: how to get a spectacular head of hair and not “scare” those around with a specific amber
Onion hair mask against loss: chemical composition and benefits. Mixtures for normal, oily and dry curls. Tips for use. How to neutralize a specific smell. The use of a decoction of husk.
How to do a head massage for hair growth and density: “increase” the length literally with your own hands
Head massage for hair growth at home: the rules and features of the procedure. Manual technique: techniques for prevention and for complete recovery. Methods with comb, salt, towel and vegetable oils.