Anna Rozhkova
The first signs of syphilis, its diagnosis and treatment approaches
Symptoms of syphilis in women, the route of infection and why it is dangerous. Methods for diagnosing the disease. How acute and sluggish forms are manifested. Therapy with venereology and traditional medicine. The consequences of the disease. Reviews
Symptoms of ovarian dysfunction: how to negotiate with your cycle and get pregnant
What is ovarian dysfunction, how it manifests itself and what changes occur in the cycle. Why inflammation, myoma, endometriosis, endocrine diseases lead to pathology. How to diagnose and treat. Is it possible to get pregnant.
Signs of gonorrhea in women: what indicates infection, and how to confirm it
Symptoms of gonorrhea in women, and why the disease is difficult to recognize. Features of the microbiology of the pathogen. What parts of the reproductive system are affected more often. How does infection happen? Diagnostic methods and treatment regimens.
Vulvitis in women and girls: why inflammation occurs and ways to get back to normal
Symptoms and treatment of vulvitis in women and girls. The main factors predisposing to the disease. By what signs can pathology be recognized. Methods of treatment depending on the symptoms. Preventive measures.
Gardnerella vaginalis: dysbiosis with a characteristic “aroma”
Symptoms and treatment of gardnerella in women. Why does vaginal dysbiosis develop, and how to restore microflora. Complications of gardnerellosis. General treatment regimens, and which drugs are acceptable during pregnancy.
Symptoms of vulvovaginitis: how to recognize and treat inflammation in the intimate area
Treatment of vulvovaginitis in women: why an integrated approach is needed. How to determine the pathogen. What factors affect the onset of pathology. The choice of drugs depending on the cause.
Treatment table No. 7: characteristics and varieties of the "kidney" diet
Therapeutic diet number 7: why it is called "renal". How to control volumes of salt and protein foods. Table of allowed products and dishes. Features of the subspecies of the "seven". Sample menus and reviews.
"Mastodinon": when to wait for a result from a homeopathic remedy
Instructions for use "Mastodinon", the composition and principle of action of the drug. Schemes for taking the drug in drops and tablets. Indications and contraindications. Side effects. Special instructions and analogues.
Nutrition for hemorrhoids and cracks how to eat with bleeding, exacerbation, constipation
Diet for hemorrhoids: features of making a menu for constipation and cracks in the anus. What foods can and should not be eaten. Features of nutrition after hemorrhoidectomy. Reviews
Ovariamin tablets: will they help to become a mother
Instructions for use "Ovariamine" and what are cytamines. Composition and principle of action. Dosage regimens for menstrual irregularities, pregnancy planning, menopause. What can be replaced. Reviews
Gastal tablets: how effective they are for stomach diseases
Instructions for use "Gastala." How effective is the drug for heartburn, gastritis, reflux and ulcer. How to drink medicine, dosage. Contraindications Analogs Reviews
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis: we adjust the diet according to the nature of the stool
Diet for dysbacteriosis: how to eat with stool disorders. The normal composition of the intestinal microflora, why shifts occur. Foods that increase or ease diarrhea and constipation. Sample menu, recipes and reviews.
"Kanefron N": how much to wait for the effect of a medicine on herbs
Instructions for use "Kanefron N", the composition of the drug. The effectiveness of drops and dragees in cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system. Reception schemes. Contraindications Is it possible during pregnancy. Analogs
"Biseptolum": how effective is the "grandmother's" cure for "all diseases"
Instructions for use "Biseptolum", the composition of the drug and the form of release. Effectiveness in bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, otitis media and food poisoning. Contraindications and side effects. Dosages by age. Analogs
Irunin: treatment regimens and efficacy for fungus
Instructions for use "Irunina", the composition and principle of action of the drug. Effectiveness in lichen, thrush, fungal infections and nail fungus. Forms of medication and regimens. Complications, side effects. Analogs Reviews