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There is one hard rule. Watermelon diet is carried out only once a year, exclusively in August-September. By this time, the fruits ripen on their own. They contain the least amount of additional “chemicals” with which the melon is fertilized to accelerate ripening or effective growth.
Watermelon Diet: Pros and Cons
What is a watermelon diet for weight loss? This is a mono-diet, which implies the use of only one product - sweet and juicy berries. Although there are some variations that allow the reception of other products.
Composition of striped berries
It is believed that the first mention of watermelon is found in Arabic recipes. Oriental healers noticed a delicious berry that can cleanse the body and “remove” diseases from it. If you analyze the composition of the product, then its benefits to humans are quite obvious. The table contains the main effects for the body.
Table - Composition of watermelon and its useful properties
Components | Benefit |
Water (about 90%) | - Intensively removes fluid; - eliminates edema; - enhances the outflow of bile; - cleanses the urinary system; - activates metabolic processes |
Sugar (fructose, sucrose and glucose) | - Saturates with energy; - tones the body; - relieves fatigue |
Minerals (potassium and calcium, magnesium and iron, sodium) | - Serve as antidepressants; - prevent the formation of stones; - improve muscle and nerve conduction; - prevent the deposition of salts; - relieve chronic fatigue; - normalize sleep; - relieve headaches; - protect against muscle cramps; - normalize pressure |
Cellulose | - Activates motility; - protects against constipation; - cleanses the intestines |
Antioxidants (Vitamins C, A, B3, B1, B2) | - Inhibit age-related changes; - protect blood vessels and cells; - have an antitumor effect |
Folic acid | - Helps the absorption of protein; - provides the correct cell division; - improves digestion; -Participates in the formation of hemoglobin; - rejuvenates the skin |
Pectins | - Reduce bad cholesterol; - improve heart function; - remove radionuclides; - cleanse blood vessels |
Beneficial features
According to the reviews of doctors, watermelon is useful not only for weight loss, but also for healing. Juicy berries are recommended to be included in the diet for hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, obesity, anemia, to cleanse the kidneys. Doctors emphasize such useful properties of watermelon diet:
- removal of excess fluid;
- metabolic stimulation;
- saturation with minerals, vitamins;
- cleansing the body of intestinal and alcohol toxins;
- urinary system stimulation;
- reduced risk of oncology.
How does it work"
Analyzing the reviews and the results of the watermelon diet, the question involuntarily arises: how does such a diet "work"? The effectiveness of the technique is dictated by such factors.
- Low calorie product. 100 g of juicy pulp contains only 38 kcal.This allows you to present the product as a diet.
- Satisfying hunger. Watermelon saturates the body and eliminates hunger by filling the stomach. But since it is low in calories, it does not lead to the deposition of fats.
- Diuretic effect. Juicy fruit provides the excretion of excess fluid from the body. And she is able to increase weight by about 1-2 kg.
- Sweet taste. The human brain associates sweets with a feeling of fullness. Therefore, it is much easier not to break loose on a watermelon diet than to withstand, for example, buckwheat or cucumber.
To whom it can hurt
Despite the significant positive aspects of the watermelon diet, this diet also has some disadvantages. Before embarking on the process of losing weight, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that such a diet does not harm the body. Doctors pay special attention to such moments.
- Pathology of the urinary system. Juicy berry increases the load on the urinary system. In case of kidney disease or in the presence of stones, such a diet can be practiced only under the supervision of a nephrologist. Violation of the outflow of urine, glomerulonephritis or renal failure are direct contraindications to the diet.
- Diabetes. A striped product has a high glycemic index of 75. For people with diabetes, this product can be harmful. In order not to provoke a sharp increase in sugar, it is necessary to consume watermelon in a limited amount and carefully control glucose.
- Gastrointestinal Disorders. With a tendency to dyspeptic disorders, flatulence, bloating, this technique is best not to practice.
- Deficiency of proteins, fats. This is one of the significant drawbacks of the watermelon diet. Such a diet is not able to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, adhere to this diet is allowed only a few days.
Options and rules of the diet
Before considering a detailed description of a watermelon diet, remember how to choose a striped berry. Experts advise to acquire small fruits, always ripe, without chips and cracks that make a ring when tapped. Watermelons up to 10 kg, according to dietician Elena Solomatina, are “not overfed” with harmful substances and nitrates. There are several options for a watermelon diet.
Hard program
This is a true mono-diet, which allows the use of only one product - watermelon. Such a diet is a serious stress for the body. You can start a diet only after a medical examination. The main aspects of a rigid diet.
- What can. Only watermelons and water are allowed. All other products are subject to exclusion.
- Food quantity. It is recommended to calculate the amount of daily food using this ratio: for every 15 kg of a person’s weight - 1 kg of sweet pulp. For enhanced weight loss, you can use the proportion: 10 kg of body weight - 1 kg of juicy fruit.
- Multiplicity of receptions. You need to eat watermelons four to five times a day.
- Diet duration. Almost all mono-diets are designed for three, maximum five days. Prolonged use of watermelons alone will lead to exhaustion of the body. It is best to practice a tough diet as an unloading diet - one day a week. Under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist, the weight loss period is sometimes extended to ten days. But at the same time, every third day, the specialist recommends introducing into the diet cereals, dairy products or boiled fish, beef.
- How not to break. It’s difficult to maintain such a tough diet. Therefore, on the third day you can eat a small rye cracker for dinner ...
- Right exit. A sharp change in diet to normal often provokes a quick return to the previous weight. Therefore, special attention should be paid to getting out of the watermelon diet. Initially, the diet is supplemented with dairy products. Then, after two days, light cereals are administered (you can eat cornlentil barley), mashed soups, steamed vegetable dishes are useful.
Lightweight version
Such a diet is less painful. A lightweight diet allows you to include some foods on the menu. But weight loss is slower. According to the reviews of those who have lost weight, on average they manage to lose 5-6 kg per week. The main aspects of a lightweight diet.
- Valid Products. In addition to watermelons and water, the menu is replenished with cereals, rye bread, vegetables, fruits are included. You can’t eat fatty foods, simple carbohydrates, high-calorie foods, such as grapes, bananas, are not recommended.
- Multiplicity of receptions. Watermelons are eaten for breakfast and repeat the intake of juicy berries for lunch. This will allow you to “start” the urinary apparatus for the whole day, so that the body intensively gets rid of metabolic products. And in the evening, before going to bed, the process slows down.
- Diet duration. This diet is designed for an average of ten days. But sometimes you have to sit on a watermelon diet for a longer time. It depends on how many kilograms you plan to lose. If you need to lose weight by 2-3 kg, then a five-day course is enough. If you want to lose 5-6 kg - tune in for 10 days. Being the owner of the extra 8-9 kg, gain courage for a 14-day period.
- Completion of diet. To maintain the result, complete the diet with protein-carbohydrate low-fat diet. To previously used food add fish, seafood, lactic acid products. According to the tables, you can navigate in the preparation of the main menu and diet to consolidate the result.
Table - Approximate menu of watermelon diet (lite)
Breakfast | Dinner | High tea | Dinner |
- Watermelon - a teaspoon of honey | - One cracker, rye or bran; - watermelon | - One apple | - Pumpkin porridge; - apple casserole; - stewed vegetables |
Table - The approximate "final" menu of the watermelon diet (lite)
Breakfast | Dinner | High tea | Dinner |
- Boiled turkey breast; - one toast; - vegetable salad with lemon juice (from radishes, cabbage, cucumbers) | - Steamed omelet; - lentil puree; - beet-garlic-nut mix | - Watermelon, a small slice | - Fat-free cottage cheese casserole |
Free diet
A free diet is the most sparing type of watermelon. The body does not provoke stress. However, quick weight loss is not guaranteed. Following a free diet, you can lose about 2-4 kg in two weeks. Despite the slow "melting" of fats, it is this diet that is more preferable. Since it provides painless weight loss, effective healing and the most persistent results. The main aspects of such nutrition are simple.
- Power scheme. Juicy berry is consumed only once a day - for breakfast.
- Diet duration. The average diet is designed for 14 days. If necessary, it can be extended.
- Drinking mode. During the day you need to drink plenty of clean water, without gas. It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid.
- Taboo drinks. Ready juices, soda, alcohol are strictly prohibited.
It is better to compose a daily menu in advance to control the number of meals and its volume. You can use the table and on its basis to plan your diet.
Table - Sample menu for a day of a free watermelon diet
Breakfast | Dinner | High tea | Dinner |
- Watermelon; - a spoon of honey | - Vegetable soup; - baked vegetables (zucchini, squash, cauliflower, onions, carrots) | - A slice of baked pumpkin | - Oatmeal; - an Apple |
Recipe for a change
Features. Periodically, a watermelon can be annoying. In this case, it is recommended to “mask” the juicy pulp and use it in the form of a cocktail or dessert. But when choosing recipes, consider that the dish was low-calorie.
Dessert Recipe:
- The pulp of watermelon (pitted) is placed in a blender.
- Next, add two tablespoons of honey, a sprig of mint.
- Squeeze a tablespoon of juice from fresh lemon and add to the blender.
- Lay fine ice, about 200 g.
- All components are ground.
- The mixture is placed in an ice cream maker and incubated for two hours.
Medicinal use
Watermelon diet is an effective method of cleansing the body. Therefore, in certain diseases or conditions, such nutrition is recommended as maintenance therapy.
For pregnant
It is useful for women in a position to consume little by little all products in order to saturate the body with useful substances. You should not refuse and watermelon. Sweet berry will ensure the elimination of puffiness, help cleanse the digestive tract and urinary system. However, it is strictly forbidden to abuse the striped berry or practice a strict diet during pregnancy! Expectant mothers should follow these recommendations.
- Allowable rate. Every day you can eat no more than 3 kg of sweet watermelon pulp.
- Diet Dates. During pregnancy, intensive use of watermelons can last no more than five days.
- Daily menu. It is important that the body of the future mother received beneficial substances. Therefore, the menu for 5 days must be negotiated with an experienced nutritionist and be sure to include cottage cheese, cereals, lean meat, seafood, fish, fruits, vegetables.
To remove sand or stones
Watermelon diet is considered an effective tool in the treatment of urolithiasis. But this method of struggle is not suitable for all patients. Watermelon juice is able to dissolve only calculi formed by urinary salts. For other stones, this technique can cause serious harm by moving the conglomerate and causing blockage of the ureter. With phosphate formations, watermelons are contraindicated! Therefore, before using a delicious diet to cleanse your kidneys, be sure to consult your doctor. To clean the urinary system, follow three recommendations.
- Daily ration. Eat 2.5 kg of sweet pulp daily. Watermelon is consumed with black rye bread.
- Drinking mode. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water. The fluid must be unsweetened and non-carbonated.
- Duration of Cleansing. The term of the diet will tell the body itself. Most often, nutritionists develop this diet to cleanse the kidneys for seven to ten days.
For the treatment of psoriasis
It is believed that with psoriasis drinking watermelon is tangible. The treatment technique was developed by the Siberian healer Stepanova. The diet is designed for a month and includes, in addition to eating striped berries, cottage cheese, as well as yellow tomatoes, flower honey, cucumbers. But you can practice such a diet only after its approval by a doctor.
To make the diet on a watermelon for weight loss easier to be perceived by the body and provide effective results, nutritionists recommend not only to exit it correctly, but also to prepare the body for entry. A few days before eating a sweet berry, switch to a vegetarian diet. And completely exclude salt, sugar, preservatives from the menu.
Feedback and Results
More recently, I tried the watermelon diet, which is now popular and very relevant for this time of year. Its meaning is very simple - eat watermelons, the more the better. The recommended dose from the authors is 1 kg of net weight for every 10 kg of body weight. Lots of! I did not succeed so much, it turned out about 3-5 kg per day. Of course, the diuretic effect is very strong, but along with this, the body is cleansed. It is important to follow the correct exit from the diet, so as not to immediately return the lost kg back. The output is recommended to introduce protein food for breakfast, and continue to eat watermelons.In general, I sat on the diet for 5 days and 3 days out of the diet, this led to a loss of 4 kg during this time. Very pleased with the result! These days were not hungry, but on the contrary they enjoyed watermelons. Definitely recommend trying!
I have a negative experience. After the first day I quit this diet, as it was very swollen, and, not that excess fluid, but in general, did not come out. I got scared and quit this lesson. Of course, all this is individual. But I was already convinced that radical diets can give only instant results, and regain weight in a week.
I read about this diet in the newspaper, saying that the famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol lost 4 kg on it. This summer I decided to try it myself, because I like watermelons very much and the 4 kg figure motivated me very much! But first things first! The meaning of the diet: there is a watermelon all day and only watermelon based on the following conditions: it is necessary to eat 1 kg of watermelon pulp per 15 kg of body weight. In fact: hunger is not felt, as the stomach is constantly filled with liquid. This is a big plus, since you do not go hungry and angry. However, as you know, these days you will have to sit at home near the toilet :) I did everything right, only I set myself another condition (there isn’t such a thing in my diet): I only ate watermelon until 5 p.m., and then I didn’t eat anything. 5 days of such a watermelon paradise and I got on the scales and ... minus 6 kg !!! I danced with happiness !!! Moreover, it was a hot August month and a chilly watermelon from the refrigerator perfectly quenched thirst and helped to cope with the heat! I wish you all success in our "diet" business !!!
I have tried. 2 years ago. My sister and I then went to the sea and ate only watermelons. But I can’t say how much we ate them. I remember that sooo much!
Then we lost weight great! Soon we will go on vacation again and may repeat again.
But I just can’t imagine how you can eat watermelons without being on vacation. I would not be able to work ...Matreshka, D0% B4% D0% B8% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% B0 /
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