How to use Lyapko's applicator for gastritis, cystitis, colds, childbirth and cellulite

"Home doctor" - this is what Lyapko's needle applicator is often called. This simple device received universal popular love quite deservedly: the applicator shows high efficiency with a wide range of diseases, and its price is quite affordable. In order not to harm yourself, it must be used correctly, given the contraindications to the procedures. This will help detailed instructions for using the Lyapko applicator and reviews of people who have already tested its effect on themselves.
Massager with needles for the back

Nikolay Lyapko - a doctor, a manual therapist, a student of the notorious doctor Ivan Kuznetsov - the creator of the applicator Kuznetsov. It was from Kuznetsov’s invention that Lyapko repelled in his research and experiments. The massager served as a prototype of Lyapko's applicator.

The principle of the massager

On the human body there are points that are projections of various internal organs. By acting on them, one can exert influence on diseased organs. This knowledge was actively used in ancient Eastern medicine. On them is based one of the principles of the applicator Lyapko.

The pressure on the skin with needles causes a rush of blood to the “right” places, while the spasmodic muscles relax, anesthesia is achieved without the use of drugs, the transmission of nerve impulses is improved, the working capacity is increased - a pronounced healing effect is obtained.

Objections that Kuznetsov's applicator acts the same way, partly true. The Lyapko applicator differs from the Kuznetsov applicator in the material from which the needles are made:

  • at the Kuznetsov massager - spikes plastic, their location is standard;
  • in the massager Lyapko - metal needles, coated with iron, copper, silver or zinc (various options for the distance between the needles).
In the interaction of metals with sebum, then, cellular fluid, an ion exchange reaction is triggered, which allows you to make up for the deficiency of these important elements in the body. Thus, the reflex-mechanical effect is supplemented by a galvanic-electric effect - hence the good therapeutic effect of the use of the applicator.

Reflex mechanical action

Mechanical irritation of the receptors leads to the activation of many biological processes. How much to lay on the applicator?

  • Blood circulation increases. Blood rushes to the irritation zone, skin temperature rises, tissues are saturated with oxygen, sensitivity decreases (pain decreases), all metabolic processes are accelerated. The pulse quickens, the supply of tissues and the brain with oxygen improves.
  • The nervous system is activated. Nerve impulses "rush" from the focus of irritation to the brain and vice versa. The autonomic system is mobilized: it begins to “throw out” biologically active substances and hormones in a large amount to compensate for aggressive external influences, including endorphin, which is responsible for reducing pain and feeling euphoric after the session.
  • Brain function improves. The brain is trying to withstand the dangerous, in his opinion, impact: it “distributes” millions of “orders” to various organs and systems, forcing them to actively resist. There is an activation of all internal reserves of the body.

The action of galvanic currents

This is a feature of Lyapko’s invention. The applicator needles are coated with metals contained in cell and intercellular fluids and participating in electrolyte metabolism. The number of ions of one or another metal is a independently regulated process, but with the lack of any element, the composition of cellular fluids changes, metabolic processes are disturbed.

During the session, the metal contacts the skin and sweat. The result of the reaction with the liquid is the formation of an oxide film on the metal. At this moment, galvanic processes start - current discharges occur between the needles, under the action of which:

  • the composition of cell fluids is normalized;
  • ion exchange occurs;
  • intercellular membranes are strengthened;
  • skin turgor improves;
  • transmission of nerve impulses is accelerated.
Long-term mechanical effects on biologically active points are perceived as a danger. Any "danger" makes the immunity mobilize and work in an enhanced mode. And the action of galvanic currents improves the overall tone and saturation of cells with the necessary elements. The combination of these effects gives a pronounced immunostimulating effect.

Variety of shapes and sizes

For ease of use and to reach all possible “problem” places, Lyapko applicators are produced in various shapes and sizes. The table below describes the types of applicators, their features and recommendations for use, depending on the desired effect.

Table - Features and patterns of application of various types of Lyapko applicators

TitleSize (cm)Exposure time (min)Effect
Mat— 23,7*13,7;
— 24*46,5;
— 27,5*48;
- 10.5 * 46 ("Double");
- 10.5 * 23 ("Single")
7-10- Increase in blood pressure;
- raising tone;
- anesthesia;
- increased performance
Satellite— 6*1815-30- Sedative action;
- relaxation;
- sedation;
- decrease in blood pressure;
- removal of chronic pain
Quadro— 11,7*46,6;
— 10,6*46
Roller- 3.6 * 4.2 ("Facial");
- 7 * 4,5 ("Universal");
- 10.5 * 6.3 ("Big")
10-15- Sedative effect;
- removal of spastic pain;
- muscle relaxation
5-7 (intense)- exciting effect;
- muscle toning
Duet— 5,9*47;
— 5,3*46
7-10- Removing chronic pain;
- toning;
- increased tissue sensitivity;
- increased performance
10-15- Removal of severe pain;
- decrease in blood pressure;
- sedative effect;
- sedation;
- removal of muscle cramps
Small applicators- 3,5 * 8 ("Kid");
- 3.3 * 3.3 (“Droplet”)
5-20- Removal of sharp pain attacks
10-30 (as an addition)- Removing toothache;
- reduction of trigeminal inflammation;
- pain relief for facial sympathy
10-20 (per nape)- Reduction of the common cold, including allergic
Chamomile- D = 3020-30- Removing headaches of any genesis;
- improvement of cerebral circulation;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- increased performance;
- pain relief in any area of ​​the spine
Ball- D = 520-30- Removal of muscle cramps of various origins;
- reduction of neurological symptoms;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- reduction of respiratory symptoms of various diseases;
- normalization of the pelvic organs;
- anesthesia
Tape applicators (single-lane and multi-segment)— 0,22*2,22;
— 0,22*3,1;
— 0,22*3,98;
— 0,22*4,86;
— 0,44*3,1;
— 0,44*3,98;
— 0,44*4,86
7-10- Toning;
- increased performance;
- increased stamina
10-30- Anesthesia;
- sedation;
- muscle relaxation;
- cramping

Applicators can have a different distance between the needles (pitch): 3.5-7 mm. The narrower the distance, the softer the effect and, accordingly, the less painful the massage sessions. Applicators with a minimum pitch of 3.5-4.9 mm are recommended for children. Obese people - with a maximum (6.2-7 mm). If there are difficulties with choosing a distance or in a family of several people and they need different step sizes, then you can choose a universal option - 5.8 mm. In addition, an individual pain threshold must be considered.

This information will help you choose the right Lyapko applicator according to your needs and use it correctly at home. And also useful if the instruction to your applicator is lost.


Due to the wide spectrum of action, the applicator can be used with a rather extensive list of diagnoses. Here is a list of diseases that have absolute indications for the use of the Lyapko applicator:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • dental problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases.
The applicator alleviates headaches of any genesis. For this, the Chamomile applicator is most convenient: it is placed on the top of the head and the “petals” are pressed to the head from all sides, it is convenient to fix them with elastic bandages. After a maximum of half an hour, pain relief and relaxation are felt.


Not without a "fly in the ointment." Here is a list of conditions that have contraindications to the use of the Lyapko applicator:

  • an increase in body temperature of any genesis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • skin wounds (burns, frostbite, cuts);
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • hematopoietic pathology.

Instructions for use of the Lyapko applicator, depending on the pathology

An important point: do not put the massager on a flat surface - so the needles will come into contact only with a small part of the affected area. Using soft rollers (e.g. rolled towels), make sure that applicator repeated the natural curves of the body. And also make sure that the pressure over the entire area is the same. Next, we look at specific examples of how to use the Lyapko applicator for the treatment of various diseases.

Neurological diseases

The following conditions belong to neurological:

  • neuralgia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • recovery from stroke and head injuries;
  • enuresis;
  • neurosis;
  • paralysis;
  • headaches of any genesis;
  • facial sympathalgia;
  • heel spur;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pinched nerve.

The table below summarizes the treatment regimens for some neurological conditions with the Lyapko applicator.

Table - Treatment of neurological conditions by Lyapko applicator

conditionType of applicatorImpact zoneExposure time (min)
Headaches and toothaches
facial sympathy,
facial neuralgia
- “Chamomile”;
- all types of rugs
- crown;
- occiput;
- neck
- point of pain (e.g. on the face)10-30
- Small applicators (as an addition)- Symmetric pain zone2-5
- Earlobe from the side of pain1-2
Neuritis- “Chamomile”;
- all types of rugs
- neck;
- shoulder girdle;
- zones above and below the pain point (for severe pain)
- Tape applicators- Hands along the entire length;
- caviar;
- opposite zone pains
Heel spur- “Chamomile”;
- all types of rugs
- Loin;
- areas of the spine with osteochondrosis
- "Ball";
- all types of rollers
- Heel;
- foot completely
3-7 (gradually increasing to 30)
Stroke Recovery- “Chamomile”;
- all types of rugs
- the back of the head;
- neck;
- shoulder girdle
— 20-30
(with hypertension);
— 5-10
(with hypotension)
- All types of rollers- Caviar;
- feet;
- sacrum
- Tape applicators7-10

Digestive diseases

These include ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, pancreatitis, constipation, dyskinesia, gastritis, liver disease, esophagus, gall bladder. The table below summarizes the treatment regimens for these conditions with the Lyapko applicator.

Table - Treatment of diseases of the digestive system with the applicator Lepko

conditionType of applicatorImpact zoneExposure time (min)
Peptic ulcer- All kinds of rugs- Loin;
- lower thoracic spine;
- above and below the projection of pain (with severe pain)
- All types of rollers- The middle part of the abdomen;
- hypogastrium;
- brushes;
- ankles
- Small applicators15-30
Gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis- All kinds of rugs- The lower thoracic spine;
- above and below the projection of pain (with severe pain);
- the middle part of the abdomen;
- hypogastrium
- All types of rollers10-15
Hemorrhoids, constipation- All kinds of rugs- Loin;
- gluteal area
- Small applicators- Lower abdomen (as a supplement)15-25
- All types of rollers

Gynecological, urological diseases and pregnancy

A huge range of conditions is included: cystitis, adenoma, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, adnexitis, menopausemalfunctions of the menstrual cycle, infertility, toxicosis, pain in labor pains, menacing conditions, postpartum and postoperative periods. The table below shows examples of treatment for some of them.

Table - Application of Lyapko applicator in gynecology, urology and pregnancy

conditionType of applicatorImpact zoneExposure time (min)
Pelvic Inflammation- All kinds of rugs- Loin;
- sacrum;
- gluteal region
- All types of rollers- Hypogastrium5-10
Prostatitis, adenoma, urinary retention- All kinds of rugs- Loin;
- sacrum;
- gluteal region
- All types of rollers- Hypogastrium5-10
- Small applicators- Crotch;
- the area between the anus and the scrotum
Early toxicosis- All kinds of rugs- The lower thoracic spine;
- lower back
- All types of rollers- The upper abdomen;
- forearm;
- brushes
Up to 15
Childbirth- All types of rollers
(with help)
- Loin;
- sacrum;
- lower thoracic spine
While the fight lasts
Pregnancy preservation- All types of rollers (without pressure);
- "Ball"
- feet;
- brushes;
- forearm;
- shins
Urolithiasis disease,
- All kinds of rugs- The lower thoracic spine;
- lower back
- All types of rollers- Hypogastrium10-15

Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system

These include: hypertension, hypotension, ischemia, angina pectoris, varicose veins, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tonsillitis, laryngitis, runny nose. The table below shows the treatment regimens for these conditions.

Table - Treatment of respiratory organs and cardiovascular diseases with Lyapko applicator

conditionType of applicatorImpact zoneExposure time (min)
Asthma attack- All kinds of rugs- the back of the head;
- neck;
- shoulder girdle
- All types of rollers;
- small applicators
- The upper chest;
- neck (front)
allergic rhinitis
- All kinds of rugs- the back of the head;
- neck;
- shoulder girdle
- All types of rollers;
- small applicators
- feet;
- upper chest;
- neck (front)
Bronchitis- All kinds of rugs- the back of the head;
- neck;
- thoracic
- Small applicators- Rib cage;
- inner surface of the wrists (alternately)
Angina pectoris- All kinds of rugs- neck;
- mid-thoracic spine
- All types of rollers;
- small applicators
- feet;
- brushes;
- forearm
Hypertension- All kinds of rugs- the back of the head;
- neck;
- shoulder girdle
Hypotension- All kinds of rugs- the back of the head;
- neck;
- shoulder girdle

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

These are scoliosis, osteochondrosis, myositis, damage to ligaments and joints, bruises, myalgia, arthritis, arthrosis, the postoperative period, injuries, fractures, coxarthrosis. The table below shows examples of the treatment of these conditions with Lyapko applicators.

Table - Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with Lyapko applicators

conditionType of applicatorImpact zoneExposure time (min)
Osteochondrosis- All kinds of rugs- zone of pain;
- zones above and below pain points (with severe pain)
- All types of rollers- zone of pain;
- areas adjacent to the pain point
- Small applicators- Points of maximum pain10-20
- All types of applicators (except "Ball")- Inflamed joints (stick with effort);
- zones of the opposite side
Radiculitis- All types of applicators (except small ones)- Loin;
- sacrum
Injuries and fractures of the upper limbs- All types of rugs;
- all types of rollers
- Cervical spine;
- shoulder girdle;
- all free space above and below the injury site
Injuries and fractures of the lower extremities- All types of rugs;
- all types of rollers
- All free space above and below the injury site15-20

Obesity and cellulite

Almost every woman will find in her "ugly" places that you certainly want to get rid of. And it doesn’t matter how much excess fat is present on the body, and for what reasons these excesses appeared: overeating, lack of exercise, genetics, diabetes ... Remove - and that’s the point. The video will help in this.

All kinds of massage parlors offer procedures for getting rid of "unnecessary things" for every taste. What is the effect of massage for weight loss and anti-cellulite treatments based on? The meaning of all such manipulations is to create persistent hyperemia of the skin (redness). A stable and long flow of blood to the problem areas is ensured, as a result of which the outflow of stagnant lymph occurs, metabolic processes are accelerated, skin turgor improves, toxins are eliminated. All this combined gives the effect of reducing volumes and increasing skin elasticity in the right places.

The use of the Lyapko applicator for cellulite and obesity can replace all these expensive procedures with no less effect. The pronounced local irritating effect of the applicator needles causes the same processes: a rush of blood, lymph outflow, increased elasticity, etc. Sessions can be carried out at home, which saves personal time.

If there is an applicator mat, then with cellulite you just need to sit on it and withstand as much time as possible. Ideally, 15-20 minutes. If it’s impossible to endure for so long, it is recommended to get up, pause for a couple of minutes, and repeat the procedure. In total, it is advisable to do at least three such “squats” in one session. In obesity, the abdomen, back and neck are additionally involved in the same way.

If there is an applicator-roller, it is actively rolled around the problem areas for 10-15 minutes in a row. Then they interrupt for a couple of minutes and repeat the procedure.

An important point: no matter what the disease had to be treated with Lyapko's applicator, the pain should not last longer than five minutes at the very beginning of the procedure. And then - pleasant warmth and relaxation. If pain is felt for more than ten minutes, you should stop the session. You can repeat the procedure after at least five hours.

Despite the fact that the use of Lyapko's applicator has been proven by the time and thousands of reviews of healed people, a specialist consultation will be required before use. Even if the disease is a direct indication for the procedures, the attending physician must approve the sessions. In the video, you can view and learn more about applicators.

Feedback and Results

Good day to all. Here is my story. I am 30 years old, two children (5 years and 9 months.). Pregnancy was very difficult. No less heavy stroller with a child and a very high 9th floor, the elevator did not work for 4 months ... As a result, my back was injured, and before the second birth there was something like a stroke (with loss of sensitivity of the right half of the body, fragmented loss of vision and speech). After delivery, an MRI scan was performed, which revealed a syringomyelic cavity in the cervical spinal cord. Unpleasant. Do not lift weights, etc., but at home a 10 kg baby who learned how to sit ... Why did I just feel like an old woman with aching bones. And then I got stuck again - loss of sensation, loss of vision .., a neighbor brought a rug "Lyapko - satellite" a little one, says, try - maybe it will help. I sleep without a pillow, on the roller, and so I put it on the roller and ... turned off! In the morning I woke up, rested (which is rare with two children), with a clear head (usually a terrible headache after an attack).The next day I bought Lyapko-Quadro, I don’t go to sleep without it (of course, I don’t talk about observing the procedure time) I feel better, and there have been no attacks since that time (and this is already 3 months!) Believe me, it’s very scary when the floor body as in paralysis, and at home a baby ... Now I want to myself "Lyapko - Big", and I MUST give it to my mum. This tool is tested on yourself! I wish you all good health!


My wife spent 2 weeks at home and a week in the hospital with a hernia. What they didn’t do - Dicloberl injections, droppers with novocaine and something else, they did a blockade 2 times - nothing helped, then I bought the Lyapko applicator. The main pain was relieved somewhere in a week.


I have an applicator Lyapko. I was advised by a masseuse who, in winter, gave me a back massage. The effect was amazing. My back stopped hurting altogether. It was so good that I really fell asleep on it. I don’t use it now, I gave it to my sister. She tramples on it with her feet, she has flat feet and her legs often hurt. She also helps.

Hroi, http: //xn—l1adgmc.xn—-btbtxaari.xn—p1ai/topic/5210-applikator-lyapko/? page = 1

I use not the 1st year. The result - will relieve muscle spasm in the region. inflamed cervical vertebra, pain disappears. The blood supply to the muscle improves, there is a feeling of warmth and relaxation in it. I do not think that the applicator dramatically heals, but the pain relieves :)


In the first trimester of pregnancy, my lower back was very sick, the therapist also prescribed a final gel and an applicator. When she consulted with her gynecologist, she told me that the final gel should not be used, and the applicator, please. RESULT: VERY WELL HELPED BY THE APPLICATOR !!! Without any ointment! laid under the zone on the back, which was sick and lying on the applicator in the evening before bed for half an hour! And so for a week, until the back calmed down! Now, as soon as I feel that my back is sipping, I immediately go to the applicator! In the evening, for half an hour! In the morning - ALL SUPER !!!


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The materials on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes only. Please do not use them as medical recommendations! Before any action, get a specialist consultation.

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