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Massage - this is perhaps the most effective measure in the fight against the "orange peel". But the manual technique is quite complicated, moreover, the hands quickly get tired. Therefore, you need an auxiliary device that will provide a deeper study of the skin and fat layer with less effort. The benefits of an anti-cellulite massager can be described as follows:
- acceleration of blood circulation and normalization of lymph flow;
- activation of metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis and adipose tissue;
- elimination of puffiness due to the removal of excess subcutaneous fluid;
- volume reduction due to fat burning;
- restoration of elasticity, smoothness and skin tone;
- overall well-being.
Anti-cellulite body massager: types and features
Using a manual anti-cellulite massager is the best solution for those who want to eliminate skin lumpiness without visiting a salon. It is only important to choose the right model. We offer you a huge selection of simple classic and innovative devices for any wallet.
Hand tools
The ideal home anti-cellulite massagers are manual. Their use does not require any special skills. You do not have to worry about the timely replacement of batteries or connect to the mains. Eight species are distinguished.
- Rubber. Provides the softest effect on tissues in comparison with massagers from other materials. Soft and elastic rubber glides well on the skin and perfectly relaxes. The massager itself, as a rule, has a convenient ergonomic shape and does not slip out of the hands. This is the best option for dealing with the initial stage of cellulite.
- Wooden. This is the most popular type of hand massagers. They are affordable and have a wide range of shapes (hammer, tape, hedgehog and many others). Natural material reduces the risk of irritation after the procedure.
- Roller. It has rotating elements in the form of round rollers, flat plates, teeth. The main function is the removal of toxins from the cells and facilitating the access of oxygen. The end results are comparable to manual massage.
- Tape. Convenient design, consisting of a series of rollers, simultaneously affecting the skin. Such massagers are especially convenient for the back and buttocks. With minimal effort, it is possible to quickly warm up the muscles and tone the skin.
- Banks They fight cellulite with a vacuum. In addition to the "orange peel", the device alleviates the symptoms of cardiovascular and colds, normalizes the secretory function of the glands. Cans can be glass, plastic or silicone.
- Brush. The massager is made of natural or artificial bristles of different stiffness. Its advantage is the peeling effect. In addition to smoothing the skin relief, it is cleansed and polished.
- Mitt. Convenient device for rubbing the skin.Hard material promotes intense tissue warming. The mitten perfectly polishes the skin. A great option for use during water procedures.
- "Octopus". The device is made of durable plastic, resembling the shape of a mollusk. It is characterized by a budget price and a fairly modest effect. More suitable for prevention.
Electrical devices
If you want to achieve maximum effect with minimal effort, you need a modern electric anti-cellulite body massager. Such a device cannot be dispensed with if the “orange peel” has passed into the neglected stage, stretch marks have appeared, and the skin has sagged. Hardware devices can be divided into five groups.
- Vibro massager. It works through the deep layers of tissues due to intense oscillatory movements. As a rule, devices have several interchangeable nozzles for massage of varying intensity and depth. The main function is to break down fatty tissue, eliminate stagnant processes and normalize metabolism. Such devices are used for rehabilitation after injuries.
- Miostimulator. This is an option for the lazy. Electrodes are attached to the calves, hips, buttocks and other problem areas, through which impulses are supplied. Being in a relaxed state, the muscles contract, creating a training effect.
- Vacuum. Imitates a manual can massage. The result is almost instant. For one qualitatively conducted session, you can lose up to 0.5 cm of volume.
- Ultrasonic. Due to high-frequency vibrations, cellular processes become more intense. This effect not only eliminates stagnation, but also activates the production of your own collagen. It is important that such a massage is painless and does not leave bruises.
- Infrared. The action of such a massager is aimed at warming up problem areas of the body. Due to an increase in temperature, cellular processes are activated, and a gradual breakdown of fatty tissue begins. Also, the infrared massager fights pain well after training.
Operating principle
Special devices have approximately the same effect on the skin as manual massage. Therefore, the rules for performing the procedure will also be similar. It is important to ensure high-quality preparation of the epidermis, observe the measure during the session itself and competently complete the manipulations.
10 basic rules
The final result of your efforts is determined by observing the mass of conditions for the procedure. Common to all types of massagers are ten rules.
- Get ready for the procedure. The skin and muscles must be elastic and supple. A hot shower will help you with this.
- Increase the pressure gradually. You need to start the session with light smooth movements. Gently increase the pressure on the massager, as well as the speed of movement. End the session also need to be gradually, with a fading intensity.
- Use assistive devices. Without fail, apply vegetable oil or oily massage cream to the skin. For a deeper effect on fatty tissue, funds with a warming effect are used.
- Optimal time. The first procedures should be 15-20 minutes to prepare the skin for a more intense effect. A full massage session should take from 30 to 60 minutes.
- Frequency. To eliminate the pronounced “orange peel”, you will have to spend from 15 to 30 procedures with an interval of two to three days. In the future, one session per week will be enough for prevention.
- On an empty stomach. Do not massage earlier than two hours after eating. This can trigger digestive upsets and abdominal pain.
- Do not miss sessions. Massage should be done at least once a week if the “orange peel” is poorly expressed. To combat the running forms, you need three to four sessions per week.
- Consider the features of different zones. On the abdomen and sides, the skin is thin and sensitive. In addition, many vital organs are located in this area. Therefore, the massage should be neat and light. But the arms and legs can be processed intensively.
- Restricted areas. The popliteal and axillary hollows, as well as the inguinal region, are forbidden to massage. There is a large accumulation of lymph nodes.
- Right direction. Massage movements must be performed from the bottom up. This is how the lymphatic flow is directed.
Using a vacuum ...
Home procedures will not be inferior to salon if you use a vacuum massager. The procedure consists of four stages.
- Training. To expand the pores, steam the skin in the shower. You can additionally use a hard washcloth or scrub.
- Moisturizing. An anti-cellulite agent should be applied to dry steamed skin. The quantity should be such as to ensure easy gliding of the device.
- Impact. Lean the device against the surface of the skin and gently move in the direction of the lymph flow. Movements can be rectilinear, circular or spiral. Be careful not to stretch or injure the epidermis.
- Completion. Rest a bit and take a shower to wash off the remnants of the anti-cellulite product.
... and the video
The use of roller massagers does not require compliance with any special technique. It is enough just to drive the device on the skin with moderate pressure. All the work for you will be done by sharp teeth or plucked structures. To remove cellulite with a roller massager, arm yourself with three tips.
- Time. The procedure should last at least a quarter of an hour for each problem area. Otherwise, the effect will not follow.
- Intensity. The pressure on the skin should be palpable, but moderate, without pain. If you press hard on the massager, there is a risk of injuring the skin and disturbing blood circulation.
- Addition. After the session, it is strongly recommended to do a wrap. The procedure will speed up the process of splitting fat, which was launched during the massage.
Before purchasing a massager, make sure that you can use it. Contraindications are the same as for manual exposure. You can highlight eight points.
- Dermatological problems. Mechanical stresses aggravate the problem. The lesion area can expand significantly. There is also a risk of infection in the tissue.
- Inflammatory processes in the body. During the massage, the body temperature rises. This creates favorable conditions for the development of inflammation.
- Oncological diseases. Increased blood circulation during massage can lead to the growth of neoplasms.
- Phlebeurysm. With varicose veins, the walls of the vessels are too weak. Massage can injure them.
- Pregnancy and lactation. Intensive mechanical stress can adversely affect the condition of the mother and child.
- Poor blood coagulation. During massage, there is a risk of impaired vascular integrity, which can trigger bleeding.
- Hyperactivity. A mechanical effect on the skin accelerates blood circulation and increases the tone of the body.In combination, this can serve as a reason for exacerbation of nervous disorders.
- Hypertension. Accelerated blood circulation can cause a sharp jump in blood pressure.
No matter how sad it may sound, but today there is no panacea that can save a woman from cellulite once and for all. While scientists are studying this issue, ladies have to deal with the problem with available methods and engage in endless prevention. The use of a cellulite massager is especially popular. In order for the “orange peel” to leave and never return, do not forget and do not be lazy to carry out home procedures.