How to use cellulite cream, what to look for in a store and why home remedies are no worse

An ambiguous attitude has developed towards anti-cellulite creams. Skeptics believe that this is such a commercial move, based on the desire of the ladies to overcome the problem without making any effort. Indeed, such a cream is not a panacea, but only part of the complex, long-term and complex treatment of cellulite. Moreover, the choice and use of cosmetics is a scrupulous process that requires certain knowledge and skills. How to apply anti-cellulite cream? What should be in its composition? Can I make the product myself?
Cream on the thigh

Shelves of cosmetic stores are full of hundreds of tubes and bottles marked “Anti-cellulite”. Tools with a similar name perform four main functions.

  1. Stimulating. The flow of blood to the surface of the skin is enhanced, the movement of lymph is facilitated.
  2. Cleansing. The removal of toxins and excess fluid through the pores.
  3. Auxiliary. Facilitation of the breakdown of fat cells.
  4. Aesthetic. Due to the active nutrition and hydration of the skin, it becomes smooth, supple and elastic.

Features of choice

Cosmetics should be of high quality and suitable for you. As a rule, searches for “your own” means are made by trial and error. To reduce the time and material costs of experiments, arm yourself with useful information.


Creams marked "Anti-cellulite" differ in principle of action and the expected effect. Depending on your needs, you can choose from five options or combine them.

  1. Fat Burning. It differs in “explosive” composition and pronounced penetrating properties. Simultaneous increase in blood circulation and metabolic processes allows you to quickly reduce the volume and smooth out irregularities in problem areas.
  2. Lifting. In addition to the main function (effect on fatty tissue), such a cream performs the task of skin care. After a few applications, a pronounced cosmetic effect occurs. The skin becomes more elastic and toned.
  3. Massage. A distinctive feature is a bold texture. The cream does not absorb into the skin for a long time, which provides a comfortable movement of the hands or massager on the surface.
  4. For the bath. The key task is to normalize the water-salt balance. The combined effect of high temperature and active components of the cream leads to the removal of excess fluid, neutralization of toxins and improve the functional state of tissues.
  5. For wrapping. The components of the composition are activated by the "greenhouse effect" that occurs under the film. It turns out something like a mini-bath.
Beauticians say that you need to start using anti-cellulite cosmetics correctly from 18-20 years old. If you don’t have an “orange peel”, apply the cream once a week to prevent stagnant processes.

Attention to the composition

When choosing cosmetics, whether it is ointment or cream against the “orange peel”, do not look at the bright design of the tube, or at the creative name of the product, or even more about the loud promises of the manufacturer. Immediately look at the back of the package in order to study the composition. Be sure to see the description. An effective anti-cellulite body cream should contain a number of active and auxiliary components.

  • Plant extracts. As a rule, anti-cellulite products use extracts from St. John's wort, horse chestnut and ivy. They improve the condition and appearance of the skin. In addition, plant components have beneficial effects on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Seaweed. It can be fucus or kelp. The main purpose of marine components is the elimination of toxins. And they tone the skin.
  • Essential oils. They have good penetrating properties. Act as stimulants and catalysts of cellular processes. In particular, esters activate collagen production.
  • Caffeine. This is one of the main enemies of the "orange peel". It perfectly tones the skin and speeds up the process of splitting fats.
  • Guarana. Charges cells with energy by accelerating blood circulation. Eliminates stagnant processes in tissues.
  • A nicotinic acid. Another circulatory stimulant. Given that the substance dilates blood vessels, it is worth giving up to people suffering from varicose veins and rosacea.
  • Propolis. Cleanses pores and heals damage. Irritating to the skin, enhances blood flow. Improves lymphatic drainage.
  • Vegetable oils. Moisturize and nourish the skin, making it soft and smooth. Soothe irritated tissue.
  • Vitamin A. Responsible for skin regeneration. With regular use, makes the fabric elastic.
  • Vitamin E. It is also called "skin vitamin." Prevents skin aging by preventing sagging, dryness and stretch marks. Actively cleans pores of toxins.
  • Mineral salts. Outside, they cleanse the skin of dead particles, and, penetrating inside, break down fatty tissue.
  • Silicon. Promotes the synthesis of collagen. It prevents the skin from sagging due to reduced amounts of fat.
  • Fruit acids. Cleans the skin of the stratum corneum and external contaminants, facilitating the flow of oxygen through the pores.
  • Theophylline. Extracted from tea tree leaves. The substance improves the condition of capillaries, fights with subcutaneous fluid.
The proportions of the components of the cream are determined by their place in the composition. Active substances are usually at the top of the list. The farther to the end of the list, the lower the concentration of components.

How to apply anti-cellulite cream

How to use a cellulite cream, the manufacturer indicates the packaging. But as a rule, the instruction is very brief and only schematically describes the method of applying the product. Experienced cosmetologists and ordinary women have revealed many features of the use of such funds.

Algorithm: 5 Steps to Success

Based on numerous reviews, you can formulate a single effective scheme for using cosmetics from the "orange peel". Apply a warming cream from cellulite in five stages.

  1. Cleansing. First of all, you need to take a warm shower to steam the skin and open the pores for the penetration of the active components of the cream. For two to three minutes, treat the problem areas with a scrub of ground coffee beans or oatmeal to remove keratinized fragments. You can use a hard washcloth.
  2. Application Distribute the required amount of cream in problem areas. The funds should be enough to ensure that the hands slip on the skin.
  3. Massage. Within ten minutes you need to intensively massage the skin. Use manual techniques or resort to the help of a masseur.
  4. Warming. If you use thermal cream, it is advisable to wrap the treated areas with a film. Wrap yourself in a bathrobe or lie under a blanket for about 20 minutes.
  5. Completion. About an hour after the end of the procedure, rinse the treated area with warm water without soap. Apply a moisturizer.
An intensive course lasts 30 days, during which you need to use the cream twice a day. For prevention purposes, therapy should be repeated every three months.

Manual technique

The action of the cream will be weak enough if you do not "help" it. Remember the four basic movements, thanks to which the effect of the anti-cellulite product will be fully revealed.

  1. Trituration. Start with light circular strokes of the buttocks and thighs. Gradually increase pressure and speed. This will help to warm the skin well and prepare it for further manipulations.
  2. Stretching. Firmly press one hand to the area near the knee, and the second stretch the skin from the bottom up in the direction of the lymph flow. Increase pressure on the legs with each movement.
  3. Claps and tweaks. Slam and pinch the heated skin of the legs. Do this intensively, but at the same time carefully so as not to make bruises and spider veins.
  4. Stroking. With fading intensity, stroke the skin of your feet to soothe it. Now go to the stomach. Without pressure, rub the cream in a circular motion, keeping the abdominal muscles in tension.
Stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction helps to smooth the skin texture. In addition, such manipulations contribute to the normalization of digestion, which is also important for the victory over cellulite.

Own cosmetics

If you still haven’t decided on a favorite amongst the store’s products, try to make a cellulite cream yourself. Through simple experiments, you can create a tool with an ideal composition that meets all your needs.

Ether based

Essential oils are the heavy artillery of home cosmetology. Edema, congestion, body fat - all these and many other problems can be solved with creams with the addition of esters. Glycerin can serve as a base, olive oil, body lotion or baby cream. A selection of the best anti-cellulite oils is shown in the table.

Table - The best essential oils from cellulite

ButterPropertiesThe number of drops per tablespoon of base
Orange- Enhances blood flow;
- removes subcutaneous fluid and reduces swelling;
- normalizes fat metabolism
Grapefruit- Normalizes lymph flow;
- neutralizes toxins;
- removes excess fluid;
- smoothes the skin;
- gives tissue elasticity
Tangerine- Prevents the re-formation of fatty nodes;
- tightens the skin;
- prevents stretch marks
Lemon- Normalizes metabolic processes in cells;
- removes toxins;
- eliminates small stretch marks
Fennel- Tightens and tones the skin;
- makes the silhouette sharper
Cypress- Normalizes water balance;
- eliminates edema;
- improves skin elasticity;
- breaks down subcutaneous fat
Juniper- Removes excess subcutaneous fluid;
- accelerates epidermis regeneration
Rosemary- Restores skin elasticity;
- stimulates metabolic processes;
- normalizes the lymphatic flow;
- eliminates congestion
Geranium- Removes toxins;
- breaks adipose tissue;
- enhances blood flow;
- smoothes and renews the skin
Anise- Eliminates sagging;
- deeply moisturizes the dermis;
- breaks down fats
Cinnamon- Enhances blood flow to the surface of the skin;
- removes toxins and contaminants from the pores;
- polishes the skin;
Gives elasticity to fabrics
Within the framework of one remedy, you can not combine more than three types of essential oils. If you use two or three ethers, a tablespoon of the base will have, respectively, two or three times less than each component.

Wraps: 3 recipes

Wrapping is an effective and enjoyable procedure. While you are resting under the covers, the anti-cellulite product is actively fighting for your figure. Sessions are held once a week for an hour. The table shows three effective recipes.

Table - Recipes for homemade wrap blends

- A tablespoon of honey;
- a teaspoon of shallow sea salt;
- 3 drops of any citrus or coniferous ether
- 3 tablespoons of olive or almond oil;
- 3 drops of cypress ether;
- the same amount of fennel ether
- 2 tablespoons of blue clay;
- water (to dilute the powder to a state of sour cream);
- 3 drops of rosemary ether
Owners of dry skin can feel severe discomfort and burning during the procedure. So that the wraps do not cause discomfort, supplement the recipe for homemade anti-cellulite cream with a tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt.

Girl smears hips with cosmetic

Prophylactic gel

If you are one of those lucky ones who are not affected by the cellulite problem, do not neglect prevention. Once a week, apply a prophylactic to potentially dangerous areas (buttocks, hips, abdomen, and hands).

You will need

  • half a glass of rose water;
  • the same amount of glycerin;
  • a tablespoon of gelatin or agar;
  • two tablespoons of melted honey;
  • a teaspoon of boric acid solution.

How to do

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix.
  3. Leave the mixture in a dark place for five to six hours.
  4. Rub into problem areas.
  5. After ten minutes, rinse with warm water without soap.

Why the tool does not work: 8 reasons

If not a single cellulite cream helps you, most likely you are doing something wrong. You can highlight the eight most common mistakes in the use of cosmetics from the "orange peel".

  1. A running problem. Cellulite of the third and fourth stage is almost impossible to defeat at home. Sclerotic processes have already begun in adipose tissue. Even the most burning cream will not affect fat nodes and capsules. But, despite the lack of visible results, do not give up anti-cellulite cosmetics. Chase blood in problem areas periodically to prevent the situation from worsening.
  2. Hope only for cream. Remember that anti-cellulite creams, gels and lotions are just aids. Without regular physical activity and a diet, this is time and money wasted.
  3. Waiting for an instant result. Even with minor manifestations of the "orange peel" effect appears at least after a week of regular use of the cream. Sometimes even a monthly course is not enough to bring the problem areas into a completely satisfactory condition. If you expect an instant result, look for serums that have a temporary, but pronounced, tightening effect.
  4. Skipping sessions. Anti-cellulite therapy should be carried out continuously. Skipping sessions, you roll back the result, because stagnation in fatty tissue starts again, and you will need more than one procedure to accelerate metabolic processes again.
  5. Lack of proper training. Apply cream on unprepared skin - use the product idle. In the dry and “cold” form, the tissues are practically insensitive to the active components of the product. Before the procedure, you must at least take a hot shower or take a steam bath in the bathroom. Ideally, the cream is applied after visiting a bath or sauna.
  6. Health problems. If the cause of cellulitis is a disease of internal organs or hormonal imbalance, not a single cream, not a single diet or exercise will save you. Eliminate the underlying problem before fighting the orange peel.
  7. Addiction. The results become less noticeable or disappear altogether when the skin gets used to the irritants that make up the cream. Get at least two products with different composition and alternate them.
  8. The postpartum period. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is accompanied by the production of the hormone relaxin, which nullifies all attempts to remove the “orange peel”. The visible effect will not come before lactation ends.

Cellulite thigh mask


When starting the battle for beauty, keep in mind that the use of anti-cellulite cosmetics has some contraindications. There are seven main limitations.

  1. Pregnancy. Expectant mothers are contraindicated in a hot shower or bath, so it will not be possible to properly prepare the skin for the procedure. In addition, it is not clear how the aggressive composition of the cream will affect the well-being of the woman and the health of the child.
  2. Allergy and intolerance. The cellulite cream contains many natural and synthetic components that are irritating to the skin. They are usually strong allergens.
  3. Sensitive skin. If the epidermis is too thin and delicate, unpleasant side effects from the use of anti-cellulite cream in the form of peeling and even burns can occur.
  4. Skin diseases or mechanical damage. Carefully examine the problem areas for a rash, wounds, ulcers or abrasions. Cream in combination with massage will aggravate these problems.
  5. Varicose veins. Warming products and massage are contraindicated for people with problem vessels. But this is not a reason to come to terms with cellulite. Choose a cooling cream that not only eliminates the “orange peel”, but also alleviates the symptoms of varicose veins.
  6. Hypertension. The principle of action of any anti-cellulite cream is increased blood circulation. This inevitably leads to an increase in blood pressure. And if for a healthy person this will pass unnoticed, then hypertensive patients can feel a significant malaise.
  7. Increased nervous irritability. The problem is also associated with increased blood flow. Refuse evening sessions, otherwise you risk all night suffering from insomnia.
To make sure that you are not allergic to the anti-cellulite product, do a test. Apply the cream on your wrist and observe the condition of the skin during the day. If during this time there was no rash or severe burning sensation, you can proceed with the procedures.

According to statistics, after 15 years, one in four girls is faced with cellulite. Closer to 30 years, the problem affects every second lady. More than 90% of women over 30 years old have rough skin in problem areas. Such figures are due not only to age-related characteristics, but also to a neglect of the problem. The sooner you start using massage anti-cellulite cream, the less chance you will leave to the “orange peel”.

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