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Someone is quite happy with their appearance under any circumstances and calmly gobbles up buns, and someone, even at the first sign of cellulite, takes military action against him - enters the pool, buys an anti-cellulite wrap and begins to make anti-cellulite wraps, meticulously comparing the “before” photo and after".
Wraps have gained popularity due to the real impact on the cellulite zone. Its reputation as one of the most effective ways to get rid of the "orange peel" wrapping is due to the influence of special mixtures and the greenhouse effect under the film. Giving an “external” result, the procedure works “deep”, increasing the protective functions of the body, performing tissue detoxification, improving subcutaneous microcirculation.
The wrapping technique is quite simple, but you should not expect an instant effect. Course execution is required. A prerequisite is the use for mixtures of only natural ingredients: honey, mustard, pepper, cinnamon, seaweed, clay, chocolate. Beauticians recommend combining body wraps with peeling, anti-cellulite massage, proper diet and physical activity.
Advantages of the technique and mechanism of action
After applying anti-cellulite paste to the problem area of the body and wrapping it in food film at the cellular level, several processes are launched at once:
- blood circulation improves;
- lymphatic drainage increases;
- become stronger, vessels come to a tone;
- metabolism accelerates;
- pores are cleansed;
- toxins are excreted;
- swelling is relieved;
- skin structure and silhouette are improved;
- production of collagen and elastin is activated;
- cellulite bulges, stretch marks and scars are smoothed out;
- fat deposits are locally destroyed;
- the body is enriched with nutrients, oxygen.
All of these processes are accelerated significantly due to the food film that creates a thermal effect. Body wrap is a kind of stress. But this is a shake with a plus sign, it is useful because it activates the physiological mechanisms necessary for a “duel” with cellulite.
Anti-cellulite wrap: types
By the principle of influence on the body, body wraps are hot and cold. The temperature regime determines how the skin texture will be restored.
- Hot wraps. They enhance the absorption and action of beneficial substances, expand the capillaries, open the pores. Warm mixture and “wrapped” body contribute to rapid sweating. Together with sweat, toxins come out through the skin. Heating the subcutaneous layers enhances blood flow and the breakdown of fat cells. The second name for hot wraps is normothermal, that is, corresponding to body temperature. The anti-cellulite mixture is heated to 38-40 ° C before application. Higher heat will harm the body.
- Cold wraps. They have a different mechanism of action.To prepare medical-cosmetic paste, water is taken at room temperature and not insulated after its application, but only wrapped with a film. The body cools, a narrowing of the vessels occurs. The body, defending itself from the cold, is forced to activate internal reserves, and finds them in fat cells. As a result of intense fat breakdown, cellulite tubercles “melt”. At the same time, harmful compounds accumulated by the body are excreted through the kidneys.
With hot wraps, metabolic processes in the body go faster, therefore, the rate of resorption of the "orange peel" is also higher. But thermal procedures are not allowed to everyone. So, with varicose veins, cellulite can be eliminated only with cold wraps. Hot procedures using baking ingredients on sensitive skin can cause persistent redness, rashes, burns. Before doing anti-cellulite wrap, study the list of contraindications:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance to individual ingredients;
- diabetes,
- hypertension;
- cardiovascular pathologies, circulatory disorders;
- autoimmune diseases;
- varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
- any tumors;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- colds, viral, chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- fever;
- menstruation;
- violation of the integrity of the skin in places of wrapping (injuries, open wounds, scratches, abrasions, inflammation);
- skin diseases (fungus, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis);
- long-term use of certain drugs.
How to do: 8 steps
Cellulite wrap will bring maximum results if it is carried out correctly. Visually familiarize yourself with the execution technique will help educational videos from cosmetologists or a one-time visit to the salon. But it’s quite realistic to become a guru in this business on your own. Following the following eight rules, the desired effect can be expected from the procedure.
- Prepare the skin. Wrapping is always preceded by 15-20 minutes steaming in a hot bath. The ideal option is a visit to the bath or sauna. The pores of the skin will open and will be ready for the "absorption" of active substances from the anti-cellulite composition.
- Scrape off the excess. Wrapping is not performed without first exfoliating the skin. Well rub the body with a hard washcloth. Using a scrub or peeling applied to problem areas, we carefully remove dead cells from the skin.
- Apply composition. The finished mixture is applied only to areas of the body requiring correction, always with a thick, dense layer.
- Wrap ourselves up. First, with cling film, then with a scarf, scarf, warm clothes, a blanket, a blanket (for hot procedures). The film is applied from bottom to top, tightly, but without a compressive effect.
- Relaxing. But we do not lose touch with reality, precisely observing the time spent in the polyethylene "cocoon" (different for each anti-cellulite composition). The “the longer the better” rule does not work when wrapping. A cup of green tea with lemon and honey will not be superfluous for relaxation.
- We clean. Wash off the mixture conveniently in the shower. Gel and soap are not welcome.
- Moisturize. We "close" the enlarged pores and soothe the skin with a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream, massage or baby oil.
- We fix it. Recommended rest for 20-30 minutes is useful to consolidate the effect and accelerate metabolism.
Leading Cold Recipes
To find out which wraps will be the most effective, it is possible only after practical application and evaluation of the results. Based on reviews on women's forums, you can make a rating of the most effective means. So, in the list of favorites among the cold anti-cellulite wraps are procedures with colored clay, algae, essential oils and vinegar.
With blue clay
Feature. Anti-cellulite wrap with blue clay nourishes the skin with minerals and oxygen, improves its condition, absorbs harmful substances, accelerates metabolic processes, reduces the visual “symptoms” of cellulite and body volumes. Clay is a recognized fighter with subcutaneous fat. In the pharmacy or specialty store you can buy any clay: blue, white, gray, black, red, yellow. But the most valuable and rich in mineralogical composition is the oldest Cambrian blue clay on the planet.
How to do
- We will prepare any ceramic or enameled dishes (not metal).
- We dilute a glass of cosmetic clay in water at room temperature (half a glass should be enough).
- Stir with a wooden spatula or spoon until a homogeneous slurry, which will not blur on the skin.
- Add a few drops of citrus essential oils if desired.
- The clay mixture is applied to the skin.
- Wrap the treated area of the body with cling film.
- Leave the mixture for 20-30 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water.
- Moisturize your skin with cream.
With essential oils
Feature. In addition to getting rid of the “orange peel”, the body is saturated with microelements, the cells are cleaned and updated, and blood circulation is restored. The skin becomes velvety, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The most popular grapefruit, lemon, orange, juniper, cypress, fennel, geranium, rosemary, lavender oils.
How to do
- Take 30-50 ml (two to three tablespoons) of the base oil. Suitable olive, wheat germ, apricot, almond.
- Add to the base two to four drops of essential oils in any three to four combinations.
- Mix and apply to problem skin.
- Wrap the skin with a film for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water.
- Lubricate with cream or baby cosmetic oil.
With seaweed
Feature. It normalizes sagging skin, relieves swelling, fat deposits, removes toxins, restores salt balance, promotes weight loss, and nourishes the body with microelements. The most commonly used kelp. This brown seaweed has a strong drainage and lipolytic effect. Cabbage for wrapping is purchased in a regular pharmacy in a dry or powdery (micronized) form. For greater effectiveness, the “marine” composition can be supplemented with ginger, coriander, clay, honey.
How to do
- Soak four tablespoons of kelp for 20 minutes in two or three tablespoons of water of any temperature.
- We apply the gel-like marine composition to problem areas.
- Wrap the body with film.
- Leave for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water.
- Moisten the dry body with a cream.
With vinegar
Feature. Acetic wraps stimulate metabolic processes in the body, thereby contributing to weight loss, resorption of cellulite tubercles. Instead of cling film for the procedure, you will need a wide pharmacy bandage or long strips of old cotton sheets.
How to do
- Let's prepare an anti-cellulite “marinade”: combine apple or grape vinegar with water at room temperature in a 1: 3 ratio. You can add a couple drops of lemon or peppermint oils.
- In this solution, wet the fabric strips.
- Wrap tissue around the problem areas of the body (stomach, legs, hips or buttocks) so that there are no gaps in the skin.
- Leave the bandage or cloth on the body until they completely dry naturally. Another option is to wrap the film on top for an hour and a half.
- Having removed the strips, we take a contrast shower. You can complete the procedure by rinsing with chamomile infusion.
10 popular hot compositions
Hot wrapping involves applying a mask with a warming effect. This applies not only to water temperature (38-40 ° C), but also to the use of ingredients that stimulate blood circulation. In combination with "thermal insulators" - cling film, warm clothing or a blanket, the desired sauna effect is created.
It is important to do the hot anti-cellulite wrap correctly: if the basis of the mixture is honey, clay, chocolate, natural oils, coffee, then the wrap can even be left overnight. If aggressive substances (mustard, cinnamon, vinegar, pepper) are a part, it is not necessary to keep a mask more than 30-40 minutes. Tingling should be tolerant.
Feature. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, slows down the process of withering, smoothes out irregularities, stimulates the metabolism, blood circulation and cell regeneration, and is characterized by anti-stress effect on the body. The most popular natural anti-cellulite products are Dead Sea mud and Saki Lake. The dirt is washed off heavily, so apply it in the shower. Do not scamper to stain walls, curtains and plumbing to a minimum.
How to do
- A package of therapeutic and cosmetic mud is heated in a microwave or in hot water (in a sealed bag) to 40 ° C. The maximum temperature of the mud for wrapping is 44 ° С.
- Mix until smooth. If necessary, dilute with a small amount of warm water to the density of sour cream.
- A thick layer (at least 3 cm) will be applied to problem areas.
- Let's turn around with a plastic wrap.
- We will cover ourselves with a warm blanket or a woolen blanket.
- After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
- Lubricate the treated areas with anti-cellulite cream.
Feature. Fully moisturizes, nourishes and tightens the skin, effectively removes harmful substances from the body, normalizes blood and lymph circulation, stimulates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layers, burns fats, relieves swelling, and eliminates stretch marks. If the classic honey-wrapping recipe seemed “boring" to you, choose auxiliary ingredients for it. So, at the indicated rate of a sweet product, you can use five drops of any essential oil, or alternatively: milk, mustard, coffee, clay, olive oilsea salt. These components in relation to honey are taken in a ratio of 1: 2.
How to do
- We prepare half a glass-glass of natural honey (depending on the volume of the treated area).
- Preheat honey in a water bath to 38 ° C.
- Preventing the bee product to cool, lubricate the skin with a dense layer.
- Quickly wrap the body with a film so that honey does not spread.
- "Warm up."
- Keep the mixture from 30 minutes to an hour.
- Wash off with warm water.
- The final procedure is the application of anti-cellulite cream.
Feature. Tones up the skin, activates the breakdown of fats and their excretion from the body. Returns to sagging skin elasticity and silkiness.
How to do
- Natural ground coffee (half a cup) is steamed with three tablespoons of boiling water.
- Stir until smooth.
- Combine with a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of citrus essential oil.
- We apply aromatic gruel on the skin.
- Wrap with a film.
- Dress warmly or cover ourselves with a blanket.
- After half an hour, rinse with warm water.
- Lubricate with baby oil or anti-cellulite cream.
Feature. Due to the warming properties, mustard actively affects the blood and lymph flow, smoothes out unaesthetic tubercles. Saturates the body with magnesium, iron, potassium. Homemade mustard wraps are recommended to reduce body volume.
How to do
- Take dry mustard (a couple of tablespoons).
- Bred in a tablespoon of hot water.
- Knead to the same consistency without lumps, to the density of sour cream (if necessary, add more water).
- Subtle and evenly apply the composition to the body.
- Wrap with polyethylene in several layers.
- Keep no more than 15 minutes to avoid burns. With a strong burning, wash off earlier.
- We remove the mixture with warm water.
- Lubricate the body with a nourishing cream or baby cosmetic oil.
Feature. Hot pepper wrap is based on the warming effect of the component: it accelerates blood, removes harmful substances, breaks down fats. Red pepper wraps are tougher than black wraps.
How to do
- Mix red or black pepper and ground cinnamon (two tablespoons each).
- Dilute the powder mixture in four tablespoons of olive oil.
- Add two to three drops of essential oil with anti-cellulite effect.
- All components are thoroughly mixed.
- Apply to the cellulite zone for half an hour.
- Wrap the film.
- After a while, rinse well with slightly warm water.
- Lubricate with anti-cellulite cream.
Feature. Reduces volumes in problem areas (on the hips, buttocks and abdomen), eliminates the “orange peel”, saturates the body with minerals, and has a general relaxing, calming effect. Ordinary table salt is also suitable for the procedure, but sea salt is richer in the content of useful trace elements.
How to do
- To half a glass of sea salt (finely ground) add two drops of lavender and grapefruit oils.
- Mix with pre-warmed olive or almond oil (100 ml or a little less than half a glass).
- Apply according to the standard scheme.
- Wrap tightly with cling film.
- For the duration of the procedure (20 minutes), we maintain the temperature regime by warming the treated zones.
- Wash the salt mixture with warm water.
- Lubricate dry skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
Feature. Due to the warming properties of ginger, microcirculation of blood intensifies, fat is burned intensively and excess fluid is drained, skin lethargy is eliminated, and cellulite nodules resolve. The procedure has pronounced lifting and anti-aging effects.
How to do
- Finely grated root of fresh ginger mix in the same proportion with olive oil.
- Apply this composition to the skin.
- Further, the technology is standard: using a film, we create an airtight layer.
- "Warm up."
- We are waiting for 20 minutes.
- Wash off in the shower.
- Lubricate with cream.
Feature. Provides a high lifting effect, perfectly tones, tightens the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Chocolate wrapping is a real antidepressant: the procedure improves mood, the body's energy efficiency, and is a good prevention of stress.
How to do
- Melt in a water bath two tiles of dark chocolate containing at least 50% cocoa.
- Let’s cool the sweet mixture to 38-40 ° C so as not to burn the skin.
- We apply a warm brown mass to the body.
- Wrap the treated area with foil.
- We will cover ourselves with a warm blanket.
- Wash off the chocolate mask after 40-60 minutes.
Feature. Tones and smoothes the skin of the abdomen, hips, buttocks, has a regenerating and antiseptic effect. Removes toxins, toxins. In exchange, supplies the epidermis with beneficial substances.
- Take five tablespoons of plain green tea without additives.
- In a coffee grinder, we turn tea into green “flour”.
- Add a little hot water to the crushed base component (until a thick slurry forms).
- Strengthen the mixture with two tablespoons of liquid honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Three drops of oregano or lemon oil will not interfere.
- Mix everything thoroughly.
- Apply the mixture evenly on the “orange peel”.
- We wrap the anti-cellulite mask in several layers of cling film.
- From 40 to 60 minutes lie down under a blanket or dress in warm clothes.
- After a warm shower, moisturize the body with cream.
How to use Capsicum
Recipes for anti-cellulite body wraps would be incomplete without a “burning” wrap with Capsicam irritant ointment. The drug contains a synthetic analogue of the substance found in capsicum - capsaicin, effective in the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. A lot of girls and women resort to this thermonuclear procedure, testing the ointment in the literal sense, on their own skin.
In its pure form, "Capsicum" can not be used. The ointment should be mixed with baby cream or olive oil in a ratio of 1: 5, based on the dosage of the drug - half a teaspoon. The agent is applied in a very thin layer. Under a strict ban - mixing the ointment with other "warming" components. It is unacceptable to get on the mucous membranes, as well as applying to the abdomen and the inner side of the thighs. The maximum action time of the mixture is 20 minutes.
Frequency and what else to consider
To achieve the desired wraps do courses. For home procedures, 10-15 sessions are recommended. The first three cold and hot wrapping procedures (without “aggressive” components) are performed daily, all subsequent ones every two to three days. For burning ingredients, the schedule is different: six to ten procedures with an interval of five to seven days are enough. After completing the full course, wraps can be done once a decade for two months.The entire course is repeated after six months.
After analyzing the reviews from anti-cellulite forums, we can distinguish the following recommendations.
- Water balance. On the day of the wrap, drink more liquids than usual - let it be green tea with honey or warm water with lemon.
- Procedure time. Wrap a couple of hours before bedtime. The exception is coffee wrap, fraught with insomnia.
- Motion. Half of the women prefer in the “wrapped” state to climb under the covers for half an hour. And others, dressed warmer, do physical education or household chores that require physical effort. Both options in terms of impact are equivalent.
Having chosen your own cellulite body wrap at home, after the first sessions you can notice how the arrow on the scales shows a loss of 1-2 kg. However, experts advise not to flatter themselves: wraps “know how” to create the appearance of losing weight by removing excess fluid. After weighing yourself in a couple of hours, be surprised to regain your previous weight. The explanation is simple: the water reserves in the body managed to replenish. If you really are focused on the result, combine anti-cellulite wraps with massage, physical activity and proper nutrition.
Wraps with honey were just my salvation after having a baby. I didn’t recover much, but the sagging skin on my stomach did not give rest. He grabbed several sessions of pure honey, and everything fell into place. The impression is excellent, I will continue in the same vein!
I tried a wrap with blue clay and pepper. I wanted to lose weight quickly and achieve the maximum effect, I probably went too far with pepper, because 5 minutes after applying the compress an unbearable burning sensation appeared. I had to rinse off quickly. But the procedures with essential oils turned out to be very pleasant and useful. The skin became soft, the visible signs of cellulite decreased significantly. I’m doing courses in 10 sessions. ”
Elena, Stavropol,
It is worth noting that anti-cellulite wraps are indeed a very affordable method of combating cellulite, and if done at home, it’s also very inexpensive. The only thing I myself do not really like wraps with capsicam or pepper, too hot, and sensitive and delicate skin can be damaged. The most spectacular is with honey and essential oils, especially if you make them after a morning run and a hot shower. And then another anti-cellulite cream, and in general you can forget about cellulite.
For the first time I decided to try this procedure. Having studied the information and having prepared everything necessary, she set to work. I will be honest - the first sessions, in addition to relaxation, did not give anything, but then, when I regularly did the wraps (about 15 times every two days), I noticed that the skin in problem areas became much smoother and more pleasant to the touch. I recommend - a very good and inexpensive tool for weight loss and recovery.
Svetlana Mironova, Ryazan,
I make chocolate wraps with my girlfriend at home, it often doesn’t work out, but once a week we devote 2 hours of free time and proceed to cosmetic procedures. The wonderful aroma of the composition and its gentle effect on the skin works wonders. This is just a fairy tale, which is simply impossible to describe in words. Within 30-40 minutes of the impact of body wraps on the body, the inner world changes, the soul becomes easy and carefree, the body is completely disconnected from reality. Relaxation in full. I advise all women and girls who want to not only lose weight and get rid of cellulite, but also to establish their inner world, get rid of depression and bad mood!
Valentina, 33 years old,