Is it possible to cure androgenetic alopecia in women with medication, proper nutrition, and giving up bad habits

Women are increasingly faced with androgenetic alopecia or baldness. The insidiousness of this pathology lies in the almost complete absence of pain discomfort. Therefore, an appeal to a doctor is postponed indefinitely. Meanwhile, the disease is progressing. If treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women is not started in a timely manner, large and ugly bald spots on the head will appear very soon.
Hair on a comb

It is almost impossible to cure androgenetic alopecia on its own. It is necessary to understand the reasons that trigger the baldness mechanism. Without identifying such factors, defeating the pathology will not work. Self-treatment eliminates only the symptoms, and does not relieve the source of the problem. Therefore, if you are determined to defeat androgenetic alopecia, go to the doctor immediately.

Pathology characteristic

Is it possible to cure androgenic alopecia in women - the first question asked by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, noting a noticeable thinning of strands in the parting area. According to trichologists, it is in women that the treatment of this pathology proceeds more successfully than in men. In most cases, it is possible to stop the loss of strands, but only subject to strict compliance with all the recommendations of doctors.

Brief Description of the Problem

In the body, women are able to coexist peacefully and female hormones, and male. The first, estrogens, are responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive system, provide female attractiveness. Male hormones - androgens - stimulate the flow of metabolic processes, take part in the formation of estrogen.

In a healthy body, hormones are in a certain balance. But if this balance is disturbed in the direction of the male, then a wide variety of pathologies can develop: excessive hair growth according to the male type, coarsening of the voice. And sometimes intense hair loss begins, diagnosed by doctors as androgenetic alopecia. This pathology is classified according to ICD-10 code L64.

Androgenic baldness in women in the crown begins. It is in this area that hair follicles are most sensitive to androgens. The bulbs weaken the “grip”, and the strands, no longer held, begin to fall out.

Risk factors

The causes of androgenetic alopecia in women lie in hormonal disruptions, in which the amount of androgens in the body increases. But why do such violations occur? Doctors identify nine factors that can trigger the mechanism of baldness.

  1. Genetic predisposition. The tendency to hormonal imbalance and androgenic alopecia can be inherited. Therefore, if women in your family have suffered from a similar problem, you are at risk.
  2. Endocrine diseases. For some diseases, an increase in the synthesis of male hormones is characteristic. These disorders can provoke a woman’s hair growth in a male type, the appearance of amenorrhea and androgenic alopecia. Alopecia is observed with ovarian hyperplasia, adrenal hypertrophy, polycystic ovary, pituitary hyperplasia.
  3. Pregnancy period. The period of the birth of a new life is accompanied by a real hormonal storm occurring in the female body.Such changes can cause severe hair loss. In most cases, the strands are restored several months after the birth. But sometimes taking medications is required.
  4. Menopause. With the onset menopause rather serious changes are taking place in the woman’s body. The production of female hormones is significantly reduced. Against this background, an increase in androgens can be observed. Alopecia with menopause is usually irreversible.
  5. Severe stress. Situations when a woman, under stress, have to take on roles that are unusual for her, can provoke the development of androgenic alopecia. For example, after the death of the father, be responsible for the family or after the divorce, raise their own children, pay the mortgage. Such responsibility can provoke a sharp change in hormonal balance in the direction of androgens.
  6. Taking medication. The abuse of certain drugs can adversely affect the body. As the reviews of doctors show, most often hormonal disruptions result in uncontrolled methods of contraceptives, hormonal drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics.
  7. Hard diets. Wrong, unbalanced diet, prolonged adherence to strict diets lead to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body. The organism, lacking in useful substances, begins to “turn off” unnecessary systems on its own in order to provide the heart and brain with the necessary nutrition. Most often, the first reproductive system suffers, which triggers disorders in the hormonal background. As a result, androgenetic alopecia can occur.
  8. Tumors. Such neoplasms, especially if they are malignant, can cause malfunctions in any body systems.
  9. Gastrointestinal diseases. Disruptions in the digestive system can also change the production of hormones.
The ancient physician Hippocrates claimed that eunuchs never go bald. In the future, this fact was noted by Aristotle. And only in the twentieth century, Dr. James Hamilton put forward the theory that the cause of baldness is hidden in the excessive synthesis of male sex hormones. This fact fully explained the lack of baldness among eunuchs.


Hair loss in women is less pronounced than in men. It usually begins closer to 50 years. But sometimes it occurs in 20-30-year-old young women. Unlike the strong half of humanity, women almost never experience complete baldness. Varieties of alopecia are presented in the table below.

Table - Types of androgenic alopecia in women

Kind of alopeciaBaldness characteristic
Type of strip (I-shaped)- There is a decrease in density in the parting;
- over time, thinning areas are noted, stretching from a parting to the temples
By male type- In women is extremely rare;
- Thinning of strands is observed in the forehead and crown, over time, these areas are completely bald;
- alopecia often develops in 2-4 months
Nest type - Hair thinning begins in the parting area;
- at the same time, hair loss is noted on the frontal area and the crown of the head;
- in a short time a rounded "nest" appears - a completely bald area

Main symptoms

The insidiousness of androgenic alopecia lies in its inconspicuous course. Therefore, it is rather difficult to identify pathology in the initial stages. As a rule, a trichologist is approached even when the thinning has reached a significant scale. For androgenetic alopecia, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • thinning hair;
  • in the parting area and in the temple area there is a significant thinning;
  • medical shampoos, masks do not stop hair loss;
  • oily dandruff appears;
  • acne occurs on the head;
  • on the skin, under the strands, inflammation appears;
  • hair growth on the face and body is noted;
  • sometimes eyelashes, eyebrows fall out;
  • the voice acquires coarse tones unusual for a woman.
Over time, an excess of male hormones can significantly change a woman's appearance, disrupt the growth of muscle tissue and cause neurological problems.

Baldness stages

Androgenic alopecia that occurs in men is classified according to the Norwood special scale. It includes seven stages. For women, such a scale is not used. And they believe that baldness occurs in young ladies in only three stages. Their description is given in the table.

Table - Stages of baldness in women

1- The hair begins to thin out;
- strands become dull;
- there are a lot of split ends;
- a woman notes abundant loss;
- the difference between the falling and growing strands is practically absent
2- Curls lose volume;
- on the crown, rapid hair loss is noted;
- thinning is observed by parting
3- At the temples, in the parting area, pronounced bald patches are noticed;
- hair grows abundantly above the lip, on the arms, legs;
- the voice coarsens

Diagnostic Methods

If there is a significant hair loss that does not stop under the influence of therapeutic shampoos or masks, then self-medication is not worth practicing. Any external means can only delay the solution to the problem. And improperly selected drugs for internal administration can significantly worsen the condition. Therefore, it is necessary to start the fight against alopecia with a visit to the trichologist. In addition, consultation may be required:

  • gynecologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • a psychologist;
  • a psychiatrist;
  • oncologist.

With androgenetic alopecia, the doctor will recommend passing a series of tests, undergoing several diagnostic procedures:

  • blood test;
  • diagnosis of the immune system;
  • hormone analysis;
  • microscopy (thin, dystrophic hairs come to light);
  • phototrichogram (the amount of hair per 1 cm² is studied).

Depending on the identified pathologies, the range of diagnostic measures can significantly expand.

Androgenic alopecia in women: professional and alternative treatment

It is possible to treat androgenetic alopecia in women at home only under the supervision of a doctor. It is simply impossible to independently stabilize the hormonal background. Treatment should be prescribed by an experienced specialist and adjusted regularly.

Properly selected drugs can stop hair loss and even slightly increase the density, give volume to the strands. However, it will not be possible to return the original look of curls. In this case, therapy should be carried out in certain courses throughout life.


In each case, individual treatment is selected. It combines several directions. Therapy should combat the causes of baldness and stimulate hair growth. With androgenic alopecia, the drugs shown in the table can be prescribed.

Table - Medications for androgenetic alopecia

Drug groupThe name of the drugWhat helpsWhat to look for
Dihydrotestosterone blockers (for internal use)- “Finasteride”;
- "Fincar";
- "Proscar";
- “Finast”;
- "The Final";
- "Propecia";
- Finpece
- It blocks the hormone that causes androgenetic alopecia;
- after 3 months of regular intake stops hair loss;
- after six months, new strands grow
- After completion of the drug is often observed a return of symptoms of alopecia;
- the drug is prescribed only after menopause, since it provokes the occurrence of congenital malformations in infants
Growth stimulants (topical application only)- Lotion "Minoxidil";
- foam "Rogain";
- spray Spectral DNC;
- Dualgen-15 lotion (minoxidil + azelaic acid)
- The drug affects already affected strands;
- provides strengthening of follicles;
- activates the exchange in the bulbs;
- stimulates the growth of normal strands;
- after 3-6 months activates hair growth
- Reception is sometimes accompanied by a strong body hair, face;
- Often there are such side effects as facial swelling, burning, skin tightening, peeling and even dermatitis
Oral contraceptives- "Diana 35";
- “Diana 50”
- Birth control pills block the effects of male hormones, stop the development of alopecia;
- after a year of regular intake provide new hair regrowth
- Taking medications is sometimes accompanied by chest pain;
- rarely, but headaches are observed;
- reduced sex drive
Antiandrogens (for external exposure)- Ointment "Spironolactone";
- “Veroshpiron”;
- “Aldacton”;
- Veroshpirolactone
- The drug protects follicles from the destructive effects of androgen;
- hair stops falling out after 12-15 months of regular use
Do not replace the ointment with tablets, since when taking the latter, a strong diuretic effect is manifested
Copper Peptides (for local use)- Shampoo, conditioner or spray "Tricomin";
- Foligen
- Shampoo enhances the growth of strands;
- stops the synthesis of dihedrotestosterone;
- stops loss after 30 days of daily use
- There is a slight itch;
- blondes have a greenish tint of curls
Vitamin and mineral complexes (tablets, capsules)- “Merz”;
- "Deacura";
- "Perfect";
- "Fitofaner";
- "Pantovigar";
- “Centrum”;
- “Complies with Radiance”
- Medicines allow you to restore the level of necessary vitamins, minerals;
- stimulate hair growth;
- improve well-being and appearance
- Dangerous as a deficiency of nutrients, and excessive excess, so drugs are prescribed only by a doctor;
- vitamins are usually recommended after taking tests
Sedatives, antidepressants- Valerian tincture;
- motherwort;
- tincture of peony;
- "Persen";
- glycine;
- "Menovalen";
- Novo-Passit
- Drugs inhibit the process of excitation in the brain;
- soothe;
- reduce irritability
There are a number of contraindications; careful study of the instructions is required
Botox helps fight hair loss. In addition to botulinum toxin, a cosmetic product contains vitamins, proteins, essential amino acids, and extracts aloegreen tea. The drug acts at the cellular level, improves the nutrition of follicles, restores damaged strands and prevents their loss.

Injection into the scalp

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Along with drug treatment, the doctor prescribes a number of procedures that contribute to hair restoration. And if the patient addressed in a timely manner, when the prolapse has just begun, then in most cases only physiotherapy is sufficient. Five treatments are usually used to treat androgenetic alopecia.

  1. Laser exposure. Laser radiation activates the metabolism, stimulates microcirculation, enhances the recovery process. During this treatment, the growth of strands is normalized, the hair acquires volume, their structure is restored.
  2. Ultraphonophoresis. The event resembles electrophoresis. But instead of electric waves, ultrasonic ones are used. They allow you to enter the necessary drugs subcutaneously, stimulate the "vital activity" of the bulbs.
  3. Mesotherapy. The procedure during which microinjections of the necessary drugs into the scalp are carried out. Mesotherapy activates metabolism, stimulates the growth of strands, stops hair loss, restores the natural shade. In addition, the event eliminates dandruff, awakens the "sleeping" bulbs.
  4. Head massage. This procedure helps to activate hair growth, protects against hair loss. But only in the initial stages of baldness.
  5. PRP therapy. To perform this procedure, venous blood is taken from the patient. Plasma containing many platelets is isolated from the collected material. Using micro-punctures, the resulting plasma is injected into the scalp. This procedure is better known as plasmolifting.The event provides the growth of strands, stops their loss, normalizes grease, eliminates dandruff and stimulates the growth of "sleeping" bulbs.
If all measures are ineffective, the doctor may recommend a hair transplant operation. The effectiveness of such an intervention depends on the state of the body. Therefore, it is not always possible to achieve the desired results.

The power of folk cosmetics

In addition to the main treatment for androgenetic alopecia, the doctor can recommend folk remedies. Such therapy is not able to act as an independent treatment. You can not practice it without the consent of the doctor. This will eliminate the appearance of unwanted side effects. For the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, you can resort to the help of three folk remedies.

  1. Herbal oil. To prepare such a product, you will need the following herbs: chamomile, succession, St. John's wort, sage. Pour a tablespoon of each component into a container, pour olive oil so that it covers the grass 1 cm. Infuse the mixture for three weeks. Then strain. Use the resulting oil for a three-day massage.
  2. Pepper tincture. To prepare the product, you need to take four to five pods of Chilean pepper, pour them with 0.5 l of vodka. Tincture should stand for six days in the dark. Then it is filtered. Before washing the hair, the pepper is rubbed into the damaged areas. The tincture causes a burning sensation, therefore, in case of severe discomfort, use the mixture not in its pure form, but dilute it with milk, kefir, shampoo (only natural) or plain water.
  3. Healing oils. To enhance hair growth and stop hair loss, trichologists usually recommend paying attention to the following oils: avocado, macadamia, evening primrose, blackcurrant, mustard, jojoba. Such funds must be gently rubbed into damaged areas or added to shampoo.

Lifestyle & Menu

The treatment of androgenetic alopecia is a lengthy process that requires perseverance and a lot of patience. At the same time, successful therapy includes not only medicines and physiotherapy. You need to change your lifestyle, review your menu.

Trichologists advice

To strengthen the healing process and protect your strands from falling out, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. Such advice should be followed not only by those who have experienced alopecia, but also by completely healthy people - as a prevention of baldness. General recommendations:

  • quit smoking;
  • wash your hair only with natural shampoos;
  • take care of sufficient rest;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • regularly undergo a medical examination;
  • reduce coffee intake (no more than three cups per day).

It will not be superfluous to observe other tips:

  • rinse hair with decoctions of herbs - use burdock infusions, chamomile, peppermint, nettle;
  • discard styling products - if this is not possible, resort to their help extremely rarely;
  • protect yourself from stress and depression - if necessary, consult a psychologist or psychiatrist;
  • do not use hormonal contraceptives - except for drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  • be sure to wear a hat - advice is relevant if the air temperature drops below 0ºС;

A bunch of fish


Baldness is often accompanied by a lack of nutrients in the body. To replenish them, the patient is prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes. However, proper nutrition should also contribute to the recovery of the body. The products needed for treatment are listed in the table below.

Table - Recommended product groups for alopecia

Sources of Omega Fat- Fish (mackerel, pink salmon, hake, herring, trout, mackerel, salmon, tuna, cod, chum, salmon, flounder, sprats, sardines, halibut, stellate stew, eel, mullet);
- sea mollusks (squid, octopus, oysters);
- soybeans;
- nuts: cashews, almonds;
- vegetable unrefined oils (sunflower, olive, linseed)
Easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates- Spinach;
- broccoli;
- lettuce;
- parsley;
- cabbage (white, red, cauliflower, Beijing);
- leek
Sources of Vitamin B12- Meat (beef, rabbit, lamb, chicken);
- eggs;
- offal (liver, heart, tongue);
- dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, milk, cheese);
- fish (herring, sardine, trout, mackerel, sea bass)
Fiber Sources- Carrot;
- eggplant;
- beets;
- zucchini;
- cucumbers;
- celery
Sources of trace elements - zinc and iron- Legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
- flakes (oat, buckwheat);
- porridge (barley, buckwheat, wheat);
- whole wheat bread;
- citruses (grapefruit, lemon, orange);
- vegetables (potatoes, garlic, radish);
- hard cheese;
- meat (chicken, turkey meat);
- berries and fruits (apples, blackcurrants, raspberries);
- green tea
Semi-prepared foods, fast foods are completely useless and even harmful with androgenetic alopecia. It is recommended to refuse smoked meats, pastries and sweet desserts.

Do not forget that it is very difficult to determine the symptoms of androgenetic alopecia in women in the initial stages. If you suspect something was wrong, then count how much hair falls out during the day. Normally, in a healthy person, this amount varies from 50 to 150. If you lose more than 150 hairs, this does not mean that you are balding, but there are serious reasons to seek medical advice.


I have androgenic alopecia. After a thorough search for information on the Internet, I found that the only sure remedy for such a byak is minoxidil. He really helped me (his hair stopped falling out and new ones began to grow), but he has a weak side - his hair begins to grow on his face. So you need to make sure that it does not fall on the forehead, whiskey, so that the treated hair does not touch the face during sleep. In addition, it is argued that they should be used for life. With the cessation of hair begin to fall out again. I stopped using it because of the appearance of facial hair (they say they stop growing 6 months after the cancellation of minoxidil). I have not been using it for three months. The facial hair grows less and less (I remove them), while on the head while holding.

A guest,

I had a similar problem. I was very nervous after the divorce and my hair began to fall out in shreds! Not only did the husband go to another, so I still began to molt, no matter how inward. I then did not pay attention to it ... it was not before that. And then when friends began to say, they say, "who do you look like !? how are you going to return it or look for a new one? ”then I became thoughtful and ran in search of a solution. The mask against hair loss with onions helped me then.


After childbirth, after 2 years, hair began to fall out. I was treated by a trichologist, passed tests, rubbed Vichy ampoules and other *** ... alas, oh, it can’t be treated ... for more than 8 years ... I’m wildly tired of this ... the only thing I can console you is that you won’t lose your hair my hair continues to grow ... but for 8 years my volume has decreased three times ... .. medicine and science today can not cope with this ailment ... I put up

A guest,

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