"Analgin": is it worth it to drink cheap pain medication

The problem of treating pain is one of the most discussed in modern medicine. The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge number of analgesics and antipyretic drugs with various mechanisms of action that can quickly eliminate pain. "Analgin" is one of the drugs most commonly used in the vast expanses of the former USSR. Instructions for use "Analgin" describes in which cases it is indicated and when it is better to refuse it.
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This drug was synthesized at the beginning of the last century, and two years later it was introduced into medical practice. At that time, “Analgin” was positioned as an effective analgesic that can be used to relieve pain in almost any localization. For many years of application, the mechanism of its action has been fairly well studied, side effects have been identified.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Analgin over other similar medicines at that time were:

  • cheap manufacturing - production does not require plant materials;
  • availability in pharmacies - the medicine is sold without a prescription;
  • the possibility of parenteral administration - which is especially important for postoperative patients;
  • speed of relief of pain - within a few tens of minutes;
  • antipyretic effect - the medicine lowers body temperature.

It is the cheapness and availability of this drug that made it so popular in our country. Also, the psychological moment was important when choosing a medicine - after all, the very name "Analgin" already told the patient about the purpose of the drug. All these factors allowed him to take one of the first sales positions in the retail pharmacy chain. In the middle of the last century, “Analgin” could be found in almost any medical kit.

Nevertheless, in the 60-70s of the last century, reports began to appear about a number of side effects provoked by the use of this drug. First of all, the negative effect of Analgin on the hematopoietic system was established. It became known that the drug can cause agranulocytosis, that is, reduce the number of immune system cells that resist infection. Despite the fact that the risk of developing such a condition was equated to 2%, the danger of severe bacterial complications still existed. In addition, a small percentage of such complications could be fatal.

It was after such publications in the medical literature that the attitude to Analgin changed dramatically. Today it is banned for use in several European countries. In some countries, it is still used, however, it is dispensed only by prescription and strict indications exist for its prescription.

Conducted scientific studies have confirmed the possibility of toxic effects of "Analgin" on segmented white blood cells (granulocytes). It was also established in experiments that it is able to affect the immune system and provoke a violation of blood formation.

How does the drug work?

How many analgin tablets should I drink so that the drug works immediately? To date, "Analgin" is classified as a non-narcotic analgesic. Chemically, the drug is a derivative of pyrazolone.After ingestion, its main active substance breaks down into active components, which have a therapeutic effect.

The mechanism of action of "Analgin" is its ability to block cyclooxygenase-3. In addition, it acts on opioid and cannabinoid receptors. Thus, the drug has the following therapeutic effects:

  • painkiller;
  • antipyretic;
  • antispasmodic.

The ability of "Analgin" to eliminate spasms is due to its effect on calcium ions inside the cells. Thus, a more pronounced analgesic effect is achieved, especially with spasmodic pains.

The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is metamizole. It is rapidly absorbed after oral administration and is distributed in the tissues. The products of drug metabolism through the kidneys are excreted. Also, “Analgin” passes into breast milk, which should be taken into account by women during breastfeeding.

When to use

The main indications for the use of this drug are pain of various localization and origin. Most often, it is used on an outpatient basis in such conditions:

  • cephalgia (headache);
  • toothache after tooth extraction;
  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • back pain against osteochondrosis;
  • pain after injuries;
  • renal, hepatic colic;
  • cystitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • pain with menstruation.

In stationary conditions, the indications for the use of "Analgin" in ampoules are as follows:

  • condition after surgery;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • severe pain with colic;
  • inefficiency of other analgesics.
Also, "Analgin" is used to stop febrile conditions, for example, with acute respiratory viral infections or angina. According to emergency doctors, it allows you to quickly reduce high body temperature. However, in this case, it can be used only in the absence of the effect of other antipyretics, it is forbidden to introduce it for the prevention of fever.

Instructions for use "Analgin"

Use "Analgin" for treatment can be in both tablet and injection form. Analgin tablets contain 0.5 g of metamizole. 1 ml of the solution also contains 0.5 g of the main active substance. The injection form of the drug is prescribed in a hospital setting or is used to provide emergency care. There are also rectal suppositories "Analgin", intended for the treatment of children. In addition to metamizole sodium (0.1 or 0.25 g), they contain a solid fat base that melts at body temperature.


They are taken in between meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. A single dosage of “Analgin” is indicated in the table.

Table - Single doses of “Analgin” for children and adults

AgeAmount of drug
2-3 years0.05-0.1 g
4-5 years old0.1-0.2 g
6-7 years old0.2 g
8-14 years old0.25-0.3 g
Over 14 years old and adults0.25-0.5 g
The frequency of use depends on the severity of the pain syndrome. However, the number of receptions should not exceed two to three times a day.


Injection form "Analgin" is prescribed in a dosage of 0.25-0.5 g at a time. It should be remembered that at a time you can not enter more than 1 g of the drug. The treatment regimen “Analgin” should be drawn up taking into account that it is allowed to give the patient no more than 2 g of medication per day.

For children, the amount of injectable form of the medicine is calculated based on weight. Giving "Analgin" to children should be in a single dose of 0.05-0.1 g for every 10 kg of body weight.

The medicine is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. With intramuscular injection, it is recommended to stab “Analgin” deep into the muscle, otherwise the formation of post-injection infiltrates is possible.

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Suppositories for children

Before the introduction of rectal suppositories with metamizole, it is necessary to clean the intestines of the child. If necessary, make microclyster. Next, proceed in four steps.

  1. Lay the baby on the left side and bring the legs to the stomach.
  2. Remove the candle from its packaging, lightly moisten it with water or sterile oil.
  3. Gently insert the candle into the anus.
  4. Allow the child to lie down for about half an hour.

The pattern of use of the drug depends on the age of the child and is described in the table.

Table - Scheme for the use of candles "Analgin"

AgeDosageMultiplicity of application
3-7 years old0.1 g1-2 candles 2 times a day
7-14 years old0.25 g1-2 candles 2 times a day
Usually, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. It is not recommended to use suppositories with metamizole for more than three days.

What are the side effects?

In most cases, side effects of the drug occur with prolonged use or exceeding dosages. The most common side effects of Analgin include the following:

  • allergies (urticaria, Quincke's edema);
  • a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood, anemia;
  • bronchospasm;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • violation of the liver, kidneys.
An overdose after taking large amounts of metamizole is manifested by increased side effects. In this case, seek qualified medical help.


Contraindications to the appointment of metamizole are the following conditions:

  • severe kidney or liver disease;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
The use of tablets "Analgin" during pregnancy is prohibited in the first trimester, as well as in the last month and a half before childbirth. In infants, the medicine is prescribed only according to strict indications.

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Drug interactions

"Analgin" may interact with certain drugs and affect their activity. So, an increase in side effects is observed with the simultaneous use of drugs with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, you need to consult a doctor while using the following medicines:

  • indirect anticoagulants;
  • medicines to lower blood sugar;
  • indomethacin;
  • anxiolytics;
  • sedative pharmaceuticals;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • pitofen hydrochloride;
  • caffeinated drugs;
  • fenpiverinia bromide.

Acquisition and analogues

In our country, "Analgin" refers to an over-the-counter group of drugs. Therefore, you can buy it at the nearest pharmacy. “Analgin” is one of the most affordable medicines, one package (ten tablets) costs only 16 rubles (data for December 2017). It is the low price that makes it so popular among patients. As an analogue in a pharmacy, you can also buy other medicines containing metamizole:

Also in the pharmacy you can ask other pharmaceuticals that have a good analgesic effect and are safer to use:

You can take these drugs on your own only occasionally. With prolonged pain, it is better to consult a doctor, you may need complex treatment.

"Analgin" is an effective drug that allows you to quickly stop the pain syndrome. Reviews about "Analgin" indicate that the drug is also good for lowering body temperature. However, the presence of a number of serious side effects significantly limits the possibility of use. Therefore, with pain, it is better to consult a doctor who will recommend a modern and safe analgesic.


Budget pain medication. Abroad in many countries it is forbidden to use due to the large number of side effects. In our country is widely used. In addition to analgesia, it has a slight antipyretic effect. Relieves any kind of pain. When choosing it, it is necessary to assess the risks of side effects. With a single dose (not regular), side effects will not be expressed.

Doctor Bakiev E. B., https://protabletky.ru/analgin/

In my practice, I use this well-known drug as an anesthetic.Affordable pricing, free leave from pharmacies makes the drug "Analgin" the most commonly used antispasmodic for manifestations of pain: headache, toothache, and also pain in the abdomen. Side effects can occur with an overdose of the drug.

Doctor Chernyshenko N.M., https://protabletky.ru/analgin/

About tablet analgin in the USSR there were horror stories about that. that if it does not dissolve and adhere to the wall of the stomach, then it will certainly eat a hole in it and there will be an ulcer. Therefore, sometimes we are treated with analgin in a soluble form. A headache is easier than a pill citramone to accept.

Tatyana Vakalyuk, https://www.u-mama.ru/forum/family/health/661134/index.html

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