Causes and treatment of baldness in women: what folk remedies and medicines will help get rid of bald spots on the head

Thick, silky hair adorn a woman. Well-groomed locks are able to instantly distinguish a girl from the crowd, riveting her enthusiastic looks. But, unfortunately, few can brag of such ringlets. Today, more and more women are faced with alopecia - massive hair loss. How to deal with such a pathology? And what are the causes of alopecia in women?
Woman looking at hair falling out

To combat hair loss, many cosmetic and therapeutic agents like pills and injections have been developed. Physiotherapeutic procedures help stop alopecia. To return the beauty and volume of strands are folk remedies. But sometimes even the most effective drugs and measures are powerless if the causes of baldness are not taken into account. That is why it is necessary to start your path to finding healthy and thick hair with a visit to a trichologist.

Alopecia in women: causes, varieties, symptoms

Loss is a normal physiological process. Every day, a person loses about 50-150 hair. New ones will soon appear on the spot. Therefore, if the amount of hair lost does not exceed the norm, do not worry.

Sometimes, as reviews show, periods of increased loss may occur. This is noted after washing the hair, dyeing hair, creating complex, intricate hairstyles. Such phenomena pass quickly, so it's too early to talk about the problem of baldness. If you suspected yourself of developing alopecia, conduct a simple test, consisting of three steps.

  1. Braid weaving. In the morning, without combing the strands, braid a tight braid and fix it. In this form, leave your hair for a day.
  2. Inspection of the comb. The next morning, gently untie the braid and comb the curls. Carefully inspect the comb and count the amount of hair remaining on it.
  3. Analysis of the problem. If you meet the above standards, then there is no reason for panic. Otherwise, it's time to think about visiting a doctor.
Carefully inspect the fallen hair. At the end of each of them should be a small white onion. If such a thickening is not observed, it is possible that you do not have massive hair loss, but the problem of brittle strands and the presence of split ends.

12 factors that make hair worse

The causes of baldness in women are quite diverse. Sometimes the cause of the problem is improper care. But more often the causes are more serious, require a long treatment. In order to correctly diagnose the source of alopecia and select adequate therapy, you need to contact a trichologist. 12 factors can trigger hair loss.

  1. Hormonal adjustment. Significant loss of strands occurs in young girls during puberty. Pregnant women suffer from hair loss. Moreover, baldness can continue after childbirth, until the hormonal background is restored. Women complain of massive hair loss during menopause.
  2. Chronic diseases. The cause of intense hair loss can be diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus), intoxication, infectious (pneumonia, tuberculosis) and gynecological pathologies (polycystic ovary) Such diseases are accompanied not only by hair loss, but also by a whole complex of symptoms, ignoring which is dangerous to health.
  3. Endocrine disorders. Any diseases affecting the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, provoke a pathological change in hormonal balance. Against the background of these ailments, many visual disorders develop. The skin becomes pale, vegetation may appear on the face, body. Sometimes the voice coarsens, thinning of the hair begins. A common cause of alopecia is hypothyroidism - a disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce the required amount of hormones.
  4. Malnutrition. An unbalanced diet, strict diets, and improper vegetarianism lead to a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins. The body loses strength, vitamin deficiency, anemia develops. Such pathologies lead to hair loss.
  5. Drug abuse. Medications can adversely affect the condition of the strands. Their weakening and loss results in long-term therapy with antidepressants, hormonal drugs, and laxatives. Antitumor drugs, in particular chemotherapy, also provoke the development of alopecia.
  6. Excessive stress. Psychological shocks, nervous diseases and constant stress provoke narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, the nutrition of hair follicles is significantly impaired. Hair that does not receive the necessary nutrients weaken, thin and fall out.
  7. Fungal pathology. Fungal infection can provoke the appearance of bald spots - rounded bald spots on the head. Pathogens cause damage to the follicles. The mycelium completely deprives strands of nutrients, as a result of which they die.
  8. Traumatic Hairstyles. African pigtails, tight tails, complex hairstyles have a very negative effect on the hair condition. Excessive tension of the strands leads to a violation of microcirculation. Follicle nutrition is impaired.
  9. Aggressive procedures. The ability to worsen the condition of curls: frequent staining, discoloration, perm. The abuse of a hot hairdryer and tongs also leads to a significant thinning of the hair.
  10. Genetic predisposition. Some types of alopecia are inherited. If there have been cases of female pattern baldness in the family, then it is likely that you can “get” hereditary baldness.
  11. Cold exposure. Alopecia often affects those women who do not like to wear hats in the cold. Cold causes vasospasm. Bulb nutrition is deteriorating, mass hair rejection is occurring.
  12. Caffeine abuse. Those who like to drink more than three cups of coffee a day may experience baldness. Caffeine causes vasospasms, resulting in severe thinning.

3 forms of the disease with a description of the symptoms

Analyzing the causes of hair loss and the characteristic symptoms of alopecia in women, trichologists identified several types of baldness. Each of them needs its own treatment. Therefore, initially you need to determine what form you encountered. Details are presented in the table below.

Table - The main types of alopecia, causes and manifestations

BaldnessCause of pathologyCharacteristic signs
Alopecia areata - Inflammatory processes in the body;
- autoimmune diseases;
- stresses;
- head injuries
- Suddenly a round bald spot forms;
- in the initial stages, itching, swelling of the affected area and redness appear;
- around the bald spot, the hair becomes colorless and weak, "loose";
- hair loss is observed not only on the head, but also on the face, body;
- sometimes the nail plates are covered with “dots” or “waves”
Androgenic alopecia- Dominance in the body of male hormones - androgens;
- genetic predisposition;
- treatment of hormone-dependent neoplasms
- The strands are gradually thinning;
- parting begins to thin out;
- sometimes baldness in a woman begins according to the male type (hair on the forehead and crown is gradually thinning and falling out);
- hair loss occurs during menopause;
- on the back of the head, the hair is not damaged
Diffuse alopecia- Disorders of the hormonal background;
- stresses;
- dramatic climate changes;
- thyroid disease;
- chronic infections;
- abuse of drugs (especially contraceptives);
- improper nutrition;
- imbalance of minerals, vitamins
- Thinning of hair is noted;
- thinning is observed on the entire surface of the head
Sometimes there is seborrheic alopecia. Pathology begins as early as adolescence due to increased greasy skin. Over time, specific yellow-gray flakes form on the hair. There is peeling of the hair, the teenager is tormented by severe itching. Already by the age of 30-35, a significant thinning of strands was noted. The most common consequence seborrhea diffuse alopecia becomes.

Diagnostic measures

It is almost impossible to find an effective treatment without determining the cause of baldness. That is why the trichologist first recommends to undergo diagnostic procedures, to pass certain tests. Typically, the following studies are recommended to establish the triggering factors of alopecia:

  • analysis of sex hormones;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • analysis of thyroid hormones.

Additionally, comprehensive studies are carried out:

  • densitometry - allows you to determine even small violations of the density of hair;
  • trichoscopy - computer diagnostics of strands and scalp;
  • phototrichogram - determines the percentage of healthy and damaged hair as a percentage.
Depending on the results, you may need to consult other specialists. You may be referred to an endocrinologist, neurologist, gynecologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist or immunologist.

Disease Control Methods

A single treatment regimen that would suit all the ladies who have experienced hair thinning does not exist. Therefore, the treatment of baldness in women is prescribed individually. Therapy is selected based on the results of the examination, concomitant diseases, age and personal preferences.

In order to stop baldness in women, an integrated approach is needed. The therapy includes cosmetic procedures, physiotherapy. A woman is prescribed medication. And they definitely recommend that the patient reconsider her lifestyle.

Drug treatment

You can stop the loss of strands with medication. Pharmacologists have provided patients with medications that can truly inhibit baldness and prevent further hair loss. But in order to see the first positive results, it will take five to six months.

A doctor can recommend three remedies for baldness for women.

  1. Minoxidil. A topical preparation that provides a stimulating effect on the strands. Activates and accelerates hair growth. Suitable for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Instead, they can appoint Regeyn, Alopexy, Revasil.
  2. Finasteride. The only approved baldness medicine. A tabletted drug is extremely rarely prescribed to women of childbearing age, since the drug can lead to fetal malformations.
  3. "Spirolonolactone". The drug is intended for the treatment of hypertension, has a diuretic effect. There is no convincing evidence that it is useful in alopecia. But this medicine is able to suppress the synthesis of androgens, due to which the process of thinning is inhibited.

In addition, treatment is necessarily prescribed aimed at combating the causes that provoked the loss of strands. The list of drugs is shown in the table below.

Table - Drug treatment of alopecia

Cause of baldnessMedicationsTherapy Features
Fungal lesions (candidiasis, microsporia, erythrasma, trichophytosis)- "Fluconazole";
- "Griseofulvin";
- "Econazole";
- "Ketoconazole";
- "Terbinafine"
- Depending on the severity of the process, medications are prescribed for oral administration and local preparations (sprays, shampoos, ointments);
- drugs destroy the structure of fungal cells
Anemia - "Ferroplex";
- hematogen;
- "Tardiferron";
- "Totem";
- Ferlatum
Iron preparations are recommended to be combined with vitamins that improve the absorption of the element.
Avitaminosis - “Cyanocobalamin”;
- folic acid;
- pantothenic acid;
- vitamin C;
- vitamins B2, B6;
- a nicotinic acid
- Vitamins provide anti-anemic effects, prevent loss, stop atrophic changes in the skin;
- do not recommend taking more than three components at a time, this greatly complicates the absorption of nutrients
Diabetes mellitus (type 2)- "Glibenclamide";
- "Gliclazide";
- "Metformin";
- “Acarbol”
Therapy is prescribed and fully controlled by the endocrinologist
Thyroid disease with a decrease in its functioning- "Eutiroks";
- "L-thyroxine";
- "Triiodothyronine";
- "Iodtirox"
- The doctor prescribes drugs only after passing tests for hormones;
- depending on the deficiency of T3, T4 prescribe replacement therapy
Pathologies in which estrogen production is reduced- "Proginova";
- “Klimara”;
- “Estrogel”;
- "Ovestin";
- "Dufaston";
- "Urozhestan";
- Norkolut
- Therapy helps to replace estrogens or gestagens;
- with a decrease in ovarian function, it is recommended to collect a little adipose tissue (it serves as a source of estrogen supply);
- long-term hormone replacement therapy leads to breast cancer
Skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema) - "Tavegil";
- “Loratadine”;
- "Terfenadine";
- "Telfast";
- "Dexamethasone";
- Betamethasone
- The leading role in therapy is given to antihistamines;
- when they are ineffective, glucocorticoids are prescribed
Neurological disorders- "Persen";
- tincture of peony;
- “Atarax”;
- “Novo Passit”;
- “Lerivon”;
- “Gelarium”
Depending on the severity of psychopathology, herbal preparations, antidepressants or tranquilizers are selected

Physiotherapeutic and cosmetic procedures

Many cosmetic and therapeutic procedures have been developed to combat female pattern baldness. The action of such measures is aimed at enhancing microcirculation, awakening of "sleeping" bulbs and hair restoration. Four procedures are considered the most effective.

  1. Darsonvalization. The skin is exposed to small currents. During the procedure, tissues are enriched with oxygen. Significantly reduced production of sebaceous glands, vasodilation is observed. In the dermis, metabolism is stimulated, lymph outflow is activated.
  2. Laser therapy. The laser beam provides restoration of lost hair, thickening the remaining rods. The event improves metabolic processes, accelerates microcirculation in tissues.
  3. Mesotherapy. The procedure involves injecting the scalp. Medicines for each patient are selected individually. They are aimed at restoring follicles, activating hair growth, providing the necessary nutrition.
  4. Cryotherapy. Using liquid nitrogen, a head massage is performed. The procedure helps to stop baldness, stimulates blood circulation, provides proper nutrition of the bulbs.

The use of medical cosmetics

With moderate hair loss, correctly selected hair care products can help. These are shampoos, lotions, masks, serums, sprays.To choose the right product, you need to consult a doctor. The following five remedies provide positive results for baldness.

  1. Burdock shampoo. Restores the hair shaft, serves as an excellent prevention of baldness.
  2. Alerana. The active ingredients of shampoo are recognized as strong growth promoters. The lineup contains preparations for dry, oily strands, normal and combined.
  3. "Fitostim". Spray effectively restores hair, provides protection against external aggressive influences.
  4. Neopid. The lotion is suitable for the care of strands that began to thin out as a result of hormonal failure. It is recommended for use after childbirth, when there is massive hair loss.
  5. Dead sea spa. Mud mask for baldness for women, containing Dead Sea minerals. It is used at home to prevent loss, restores damaged hair structure.
If no procedures and medications provide the desired result, your doctor may recommend a hair transplant. Such surgical intervention is used only after all methods of treating alopecia have been tried. Moreover, the procedure does not eliminate the cause of baldness, and therefore a relapse is quite possible.

Girl combing her hair

Folk remedies for baldness

Do not refuse the help of folk remedies. These events have passed the test of time, in most cases they provide positive results. But you can use healer recipes only after consulting a doctor. They are not intended to replace the therapy prescribed by the trichologist. To get rid of baldness in women will help folk remedies, listed below.

Nettle broth

Features. Young nettle nourishes the bulbs, strengthens them, restores the hair shaft.


  1. Chop a small bunch of grass, pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Boil it for about five minutes, strain.
  3. Rinse the strands after washing with a warm broth.

A mixture of oils

Features. Burdock and castor oil are considered strong growth promoters. They strengthen the bulbs, eliminate the cross-section of the ends.


  1. Mix both oils in equal proportions.
  2. Heat a little in a water bath.
  3. Rub the warm mixture into the scalp, while doing a gentle massage.
  4. Wrap the head with foil and a warm towel.
  5. Hold the mask for one to two hours.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Salt scrub

Features. For the procedure, sea salt is used. The most valuable is the product obtained from the bowels of the Dead Sea. Sea salt eliminates the dead stratum corneum, activates metabolic processes, provides proper nutrition to follicles.


  1. Once a week, do a light peeling of the head, rubbing the crushed salt into the epidermis.
  2. Massage your skin very carefully so as not to cause injuries.

Honey Onion Mask

Features. This mixture favorably affects the follicles, providing a mild irritant effect. The combination of onions with honey will help restore the hair shaft, eliminate dandruff, awaken the "sleeping" bulbs.


  1. Take a medium sized onion.
  2. Grind it.
  3. Mix gruel with liquid honey in equal proportions.
  4. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas under a plastic cap for about 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with shampoo.

Solution with "Dimexidum"

Features. "Dimexide" allows the components of the mask to penetrate deep into the epidermis. Due to this, restoration processes are actively launched, blood circulation is activated, metabolism is accelerated. This mask allows you to stop even intense hair loss.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of peach and almond oils.
  2. Heat the mixture a little in a water bath.
  3. Beat the egg yolk in a separate bowl.
  4. Combine it with a warm (not hot, otherwise the yolk will curl) mixture of oils.
  5. Add a teaspoon of the diluted Dimexidum solution (one part of medicine to nine parts of water).
  6. Apply the mask to the hair for 15 minutes under a plastic hat.
"Dimexide" has a number of serious contraindications. Therefore, before using the drug, make sure that it does not harm your health.

Beautiful brunette combing her hair

Aloe Garlic

Features. A balding head, how to cure the problem of baldness? Garlic juice helps to cope with hair loss at any stage (you can see on the Internet a photo of the result). An effective product can be used in pure form. To do this, just rub the juice into the affected areas and, after standing for a while (from five to 15 minutes), rinse. In order to enhance the healing power of garlic, it is recommended to resort to the next mask.


  1. Combine one yolk with one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Whisk the mixture.
  3. Add two teaspoons of juice to the mass aloe (it can be purchased at the pharmacy).
  4. Grind one garlic clove.
  5. Add the garlic gruel to the mask, mix it.
  6. Apply the product on the roots and hair for 30-40 minutes, be sure to use a plastic cap.

Preventive recommendations

To protect your strands from falling out and prevent recurrence of alopecia, you need to take a course on a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to exclude provoking aggressive factors, provide yourself with good nutrition. To prevent baldness, follow these guidelines:

  • be sure to get enough sleep;
  • often walk in the fresh air;
  • put on a hat in cold frosty days;
  • quit smoking;
  • do not abuse sprays and hair styling appliances;
  • minimize caffeine intake;
  • Use only natural shampoos to wash your hair;
  • periodically perform a light head massage;
  • discard traumatic hair hairstyles

When you discover hair loss, follow simple guidelines:

  • try to avoid stress - psychoemotional overstrain provokes the onset of baldness;
  • regularly undergo a physical examination - this will allow timely identification of all violations;
  • see a doctor right away - at the first symptoms of baldness do not practice self-medication;
  • give up hard diets - Replace mono-diets and protein-free diets with the right balanced diet.

Mineral-vitamin complexes, such as Duovit, Alphabet Cosmetics, Complivit Radiance, Dragee Merz, and Dragee Merz, help women at home to treat baldness in womenPantovigar"," Formula Women. " But these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Do not forget that not only a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, but also an excess of these substances is catastrophically dangerous for the body.


I tried:

  1. Burdock oil - nothing ... the hair climbed, did not wash, in general, it did not suit me. maybe because my hair is closer to oily
  2. Mask - beer + yolk for 15 minutes before washing your hair. It seems not bad, hair shine.
  3. Mask - onion juice + yolk + kefir. Smell, I will say. But after her hair almost stopped climbing, I do it once a week for two hours. Then thoroughly wash mine, shampoos, conditioners and finally rinse nettle broth. Dry hair almost does not smell. In general, this is how I struggle with molting.


The hair itself fell out after 3 months. after the birth of the second. I always drank vitamins (Vitrum Beauty), used the hairdryer as little as possible, dyed my hair with a break of about 3 months. and made hair masks (now I don’t remember the name, but I bought something based on rye bread at the pharmacy). You can, of course, try onions (it once helped me after receding hairline from the first “chemistry”), but it stinks for a very long time, even after treatment.


From hair loss tincture of capsicum helps very well. You can also rinse with nettle tincture, it also greatly strengthens the hair structure. I now drink Pantovigar vitamins, for hair and nails, all who drank from friends are very satisfied. Let not cheap, but high quality! but you need to drink a course of 3-6 months., There is less sense.


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