20 top tips to help you get prettier in just 10 days

Appearance is the key to success in a career, in your personal life. Sometimes it becomes necessary to put your face and body in order in a few days. Are you sure this is impossible? Then do not read further. An article for those who do not give up before the impossible. For convenience, we classify tips for improving appearance in areas

The content of the article

Well-groomed, healthy, fit people are pleasant to others.

Appearance is the key to success in a career, in personal life.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to tidy up the face and body in a few days. Are you sure this is impossible? Then do not read further.

An article for those who do not give up before the impossible.
For convenience, we classify tips for improving the appearance of the areas.


  • Exfoliating procedures with scrub, gommage.

Scrub can be made or use ready-made cosmetic. To do in a day. Be sure to carry out before applying masks.


  • Masks

At least three must be done: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

Different types of clay are suitable for cleansing masks. White or black will tighten the contour of the face, remove the oily sheen. Blue or green will relieve inflammation.

Moisturize the skin, give it a healthy look will help the mask of vegetables, berries, fruits.

Mask nourishes the skin with yoghurts, cream, and oils. Greater effect will be given by slightly warmed formulations.

  • Massage of the face and décolleté.

Undoubtedly, morning massage with cosmetic ice is required. Do it yourself, using decoctions of herbs, natural juices, slices of berries.

Cryomassage narrows pores, refreshes the skin almost instantly, and prepares it for decorative makeup.

An evening massage after removing makeup and before applying a night cream is indispensable to quickly improve appearance if necessary.

Prepare a cream of thirty grams of glycerin and the contents of ten capsules of vitamin E. This composition evens out complexion and hides wrinkles.

  • Day cream is best used with a light tanning effect.

In 10 days, the skin will acquire a pleasant golden hue.

  • An effective, but not cheap, means is the salon procedure - mesotherapy.

Or “beauty injections,” consisting in the introduction of various vitamin preparations and trace elements under the skin.


  • A visit to the hairdresser.

A good master will tell you how to successfully change the image with the help of a properly selected hairstyle, hair color.

The hairdresser will also make salon procedures for health and a beautiful look of hair: biolamination, creatinization, cryomassage, shielding, polishing, cutting with hot scissors, plasmolifting.

A whole range of procedures is referred to as "happiness for the hair." Having enough money - you can rely on professionals, otherwise, you will have to work on your own hair to achieve the necessary beauty.

  • Evening combing with a massage brush.

According to legend, the beauty Cleopatra made at least a hundred movements of a comb to maintain the beauty of her hair.

  • Beauty treatment.

Hair masks. In 10 days, you can make 3-4 masks.

Two of the simplest and most effective:

  1. egg white, two tablespoons of burdock oil and a spoon of honey;
  2. dry mustard, diluted to a mushy state with burdock oil.

The mixture is not washed off for 20-30 minutes. The hair will acquire a healthy look.

Freshness and lightness of the hair will give water with the addition of a few drops of menthol oil.


For ten days, you can not radically change the figure, but you can make it noticeably fit.

  • Daily contrast shower with subsequent rubbing of the body with a hard natural washcloth.

The process stimulates cell metabolism and improves skin tone.

  • A massage course for specialists is a serious step towards a healthy body.

The apparatus LPG massage using vacuum and vibro-nozzles is painless and gives a quick noticeable result: removes subcutaneous fat, reduces cellulite mounds, relieves sagging skin, stretch marks and scars.

  • Morning exercises, warming up the muscles of the body in combination with bodyflex - a fashionable and effective procedure that promotes rapid weight loss and body tightness.

15 minutes of exercises done in the morning will keep you toned until the evening. In a week, a lasting result will be noticeable.

  • Regulars of beauty salons can be advised to take a radical method of losing weight - liposuction - mechanical removal of fat.

  • An evening warm shower and the use after it of a wonderful scrub from a mixture of fat sour cream and sea salt, taken in equal quantities.

Salt disinfects, exfoliates keratinized particles, sour cream softens and nourishes the skin.
Body cream before bedtime will complement the picture.

  • As a bonus for the beauty of the skin of the body - a solarium. Easy, without fanaticism.


  • To cure the sick, to do a general brushing, which will not only improve the appearance of the teeth, but also remove the persistent plaque, which causes bad breath.

A beautiful smile makes a person visually more attractive.


  • Complete rejection of alcohol negatively affecting the skin.

In a few days, toxins will be removed, causing a painful appearance of the skin, worsening color, provoking bags under the eyes.

  • Water and salt.

Drink daily up to two liters of water without gas. Start the day with a glass of warm water. Water nourishes cells and removes toxins. Salt should be limited.

Reducing salt helps not to retain water in the body; face and body will get the right tone.

  • Limit yourself to nutrition.

Reduce the amount of sugar in tea, coffee. Replace sugar with honey. Remove fatty foods.

Lean on protein foods of animal and vegetable origin. It’s great if half of your food is raw these days.

Natural juices from fruits and vegetables are irreplaceable. Juices and beetroot salads are most conducive to beautiful skin color. No one has canceled the well-known rule: eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy.

Snacks between the main meals are best removed, but if it is difficult to refuse them, then use dried fruits, nuts, fruits, and not cookies and sandwiches as a snack.

Healthy lifestyle

  • Walking and jogging before bedtime.

Healthy 7-8 hour sleep in a well-ventilated bedroom.

It will be useful to monitor posture; purchase a special corset or gadget for this.

Attitude to life

  • Learn to get positive emotions from life:

  1. smile more and laugh, a smiling person is more pleasant than a gloomy one;
  2. keep calm under any circumstances, nervousness will negate all your efforts to improve your appearance;
  3. meet new people, impress them;
  4. do good deeds;
  5. wear only the best clothes from your wardrobe.

Love yourself. Appreciate and cherish your body. 10 days to improve the appearance will be the start for the desire to always be “in shape” and like yourself first of all!

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